Chapter 2

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"Love? lol. What's that? Is it a pizza topping?"


Mae's POV

It's been three days since I met Aaron and i've been gaining more friends like Kylie and Michelle. now it's a saturday and I went out with them and while they were walking around I texted Crystal and well told her that I made up my mind and i realized..i like Aaron and she ended up telling Kylie and Michelle. Since then we've been talking but not as much because to be honest Aaron replies so damn slow like it's nothing. I got bored and decided to text Aaron and Soon enough we got bored and had no topic to text about so they decided to play truth or dare.

"Hey Aaron! Wanna play truth or dare?"

I waited 5-8 minutes just for him to reply.

"Yeah! Sure!"

He replied back.

"Okay! Truth or Dare?"

I started calling Michelle and Kylie to help me.

"Truth :-)"

I turned to my two new friends.

"Okay guys give me a question for truth."

Michelle then whispered something in my ear then I quickly typed it.

"Who would you choose? The person you're in love with or the person who's in love with you?"

I clicked sent and it wasn't that long til' he replied.

"The person who's in love with me."

He replied back and when Kylie and Michelle saw his reply they started shoving me and then they smirked at me. I decided to just go along with it.

"My turn! Truth!"

I replied back to him.

"Who's your first kiss?"

He asked me. I chose to be honest.

"lol no one xD"

I replied back to him and he chose not to believe it.

" That's impossible! I can keep a secret. :-)"

He replied back, damn why doesn't he believe it. Is it bad to not have a first kiss yet?

Well after that it went on and on and we had some dares to do when we get back at school. We were pretty much texting most of the time. Michelle dropped me home and i went to sleep.


A couple of days passed and it was after class i headed to the gym with Michelle and Kylie then all of a sudden two guys who were in my Art class called me saying Aaron wanted to talk to me inside so i went in with. Michelle and Kylie. As i entered i saw Aaron sitting on one of the chairs.


He smiled at me.


I replied back.

The conversation went on longer. I stood up next to where he was sitting and i was waiting for him to say something. He looked at me

"So why are you still here?"

He said to me. I put my hand over my chest and acted hurt.

"Ouch! That hurt!"

And i started walking away.

"I'm just kidding! Come back!"

I shook my head saying 'no'

" no i am NOT going back there."

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