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"could you believe it?

you don't have to say you love me"


"I don't get the whole point of this," I admit to Amelia, honestly, I couldn't comprehend what she was doing as she paced around the room. She kept taking deep breaths, and I'm pretty sure if a customer walked in, they would think she's hyperventilating but in reality - she's just fangirling. 

"Think about this, Townes. If we're able to go to the show, we can not just see Harry Styles, but also hear him singing," Amelia puts her hand on her forehead in frustration, pausing in her tracks. 

"Well, isn't that what a concert is for?" I slowly said, confused by her oblivious statement.

"Duh. I'm just trying to say like... even if we aren't gonna be able to see him perfectly from these seats, we're still gonna hear him. Hell, I'll even sit all the way in the back if those are the only seats left, just so I can hear his voice live" Amelia pauses, before a cheeky smile forms on her face as if she was already imagining the concert in her mind.

"Just thinking about being in the same room... stadium as him gives me the goosebumps."

I couldn't help but giggle at her, the way she was slouching as she daydreamed made her look a little funny - especially in the middle of this cafe. The workers already were used to her, especially Laura who was giving us funny looks from the back before going back to her work.

"Amelia, I can see that you are passionate about this but... I don't know any of his songs. I feel like that's just gonna make things boring for you."

She frustratedly sighs, "Nonsense, Tee. I don't mind at all, I just want your company and I just want you to experience something fun. It's been such a while since we dressed up and went out, and I'm not complaining about our hangouts during work or after... but that is my point. It's always during or after work hours with our informs still on."

My eyebrows cocked up after her vent, my heart feeling slightly heavy from guilt.

She was right, I can't even remember the last time we went out without our work outfits on. She was attached to the concept of when we did go out a lot during last year of high school, and afterwards. But now that part of my life was put on hold, while she did continue to go out and have fun. I was jealous that I couldn't be the one hanging out with her, but it is impossible with my schedule always full.

"Yeah you're right... but what about Thom-"

"Plus, you need a break from everything right now. Like I know we've both been working, but you especially have been more working much more longer - hell, even over time on weekends. We can go and come back, let it be our night. It can be a girls night, and if you want, we can go to the party afterwards. If you don't feel like partying, we can just have a chill night at my place."

She continued to give me more open options, and I know the reason why she did so, was so I would end up going with her. Although, it sounded nice, and I didn't mind any option, it might be hard getting Tommy's permission, considering the fact that he's also a jealous type. 

Trying to balance work along with dealing with my parents, I knew the best option was to save up and move out. 

"The tickets are probably expensive."

"Townes, you know that I got them for such a cheap price, right? It's the many perks of my dad working at these kind of events."

"But Amelia-"

She took a deep breath, then put her hands on my arms, pausing me form finishing my sentence. 

"Singing live, Townes, do you know how beautiful and angelic Harry's voice probably sounds like?"

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