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I would keen to update more if I could see more comments. Pls make sure you do that <3 ty


Jungkook felt something soft on his lips, it was like a feather. Taehyung put his finger in his lips, stopping him from speaking anything. Taehyung really like his personality-soft and delicate like rose petals.

"Shh, you ain't okay right now. Just give yourself some time.''Taehyung showed concern in his voice.

"Get yourself together first, others can wait. Breathe in, breathe out." Taehyung said, demonstrating breathing and Jungkook joined along.

Jungkook never felt any urge to touch or hold someone like he was holding Taehyung.He was never that affected by someone's appearance. Comfort. Relaxing. Grounded. Maybe the way he has handled him, showed him support. It could be anything. You can be attracted to anything in a person.

His brother was everything for him. Losing him made him want to isolate himself. He didn't want to let anyone close to him. But time healed some of his scars but they are still sensitive to touch.

He told his parents to send him to the UK so that he could forget and stop blaming himself but that didn't help him. He became more isolated, totally cutting himself from any material joy and fun.

His life just revolved around study and minding his own business. He never had experienced it but it feels like being in a relationship. If frustration would build up, hook ups or spending unhealthy amounts in the gym came in handy.

Emotions are complicated. They are hard and easy at the same time.

Taehyung tried his best to comfort Jungkook as much as possible. Jungkook literally looked so innocent. Doe eyes, trying to hold back tears, but once he felt the comfort,he broke down. Taehyung's heart clinched painfully.

Both continued looking into each other's eyes, continuing to exhale,inhale. Jungkook took note of Taehyung's every single detail. Having beautiful art in his arms wasn't a common thing that happened to him.

He noticed Taehyung's hooded, one lid eyes, the little mole under his waterline, there was little eyeliner over lids to make them more standing looking, hazel-like eyes,cute pointed nose with mole on it too, heart shaped lips glossed with lip tint. Jungkook may or may not have taken more time than usual to remember Taehyung's lips clearly. They were looking soft, gentle and sugary.

Taehyung noticed every single movement of Jungkook. He also took the chance to scan Jungkook's face. Those pitch black eyes staring into his, with mono lid eyes, nose fitting well with his features, thin lined lips. His cheeks and jaw are sharpened that can cut you down.

The breathing practice was long gone but they rather raised the tension around themselves.

Jungkook leaned in, ready to feel those lips against his. Taehyung's breath hitched, clinching onto Jungkook's suit. His mind was a little dizzy. He admitted that Jungkook is sexy but he doesn't wanna get in trouble. What if his aunt found out? His mother will bury him alive.

Before Jungkook could even kiss him, he turned his head. Jungkook's lips landed on his cheek. Taehyung breathed out at the soft feeling. He really wanted to feel those soft feelings against his lips.

Jungkook let his lips linger there for a moment. He can't believe himself. He was blaming his parents for being fast but here he's faster than them. Trying to kiss a guy who's his mother's friend's son. Woah.

"I'm s-"

"It's okay." Before Jungkook apologized, he didn't mean it because he liked the soft skin against his lips. Taehyung just cut him off.

Married to a slut | vkookOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora