Chapter 26

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After the Literature class, Chandler went to the AVR for his Glee Club meeting while I waited for Dad or Mom at the bench.

Moments later, I saw one of my team mates in softball during high school.

"Margarette! Hey! Over here." I shouted her name and she gazed towards my direction.

"Oww! Avery, how you doing? Looks like lessons plans mingled with you so perfectly." We giggled. "Feeling fine. How are you?" I answered and pinched her blushing cheeks.

"Yeah, dissecting frogs, doing lab works and memorizing chemical structures, hella good thing to do when I entered school."

I laughed. Well, she's my closest team mate. She's Margarette Eunice Dranley, now a Veterinary Medicine Student. We came from the same high school but we're from different sections. She's my pitcher by the way. That is why we hang out more often; practicing her eye- confusing fast pitch, talking about her dumb boyfriend back then and getting into Nationals together! That was one of my greatest journey with her. That is why I consider her as my best friend since we played softball back on the 8th grade.

"Sooooo... you're gonna play for the Teacher Department in the next week's school games?" she asked which surprised me.

"Hmm. Don't even know. I don't think we have a softball team in our Department." I bowed down and thought of my Softball career going down.

"Oy hell yeah, there is! Don't you know, your Department holds the Championship Title for 5 straight years!"

My eyes widened. "Oh freakin' buttermellow. You serious?"

"Yes, yes. Our captain just told us last week. I'll be pitching for the Vets. So sad I won't be pitching with you anymore Kitty."

That line was even more painful. For 5 straight years, catching Margarette's pitch is one of my routine. I love the sound of the ball landing in the pocket of my gloves. For 5 straight years, we would sleep together in my beddings during the Regional and National Softball Cup. I remember how our coach was so furious and gave us 50 push-ups each as a punishment for drinking soda after training. (Soda tastes good by the way.) For 5 straight years of getting used to her hugs during practice, yells during competition and cries during awarding, this time, we will be playing for 2 different teams, opposing one another.

"You're making me cry, Maggie. It would always be an honor catching your winning pitch." We hugged each other.

I invited Maggie at our house that night. She gladly came with me.
I forgot to tell you, she's a Directioner too and also an anime lover. She would always bring her laptop and hard drive with her whenever we have stay in training and we would watch her anime collections after dinner, which almost made us sleep late (11:30 pm) and then wake up the next day feeling high. (Which Coach Arnold never noticed until we stumbled over each other during the calisthenics.)

And oh, our coach. He's my Dad's younger brother, Uncle Arnold Vargas. Some always mistaken him as my father- hmmm yeah maybe because they really look like twins but no, they're not. Also, Uncle Arnold's kinda funny while Dad's a little serious.

"Heyy, you're here! Come on let's eat pasta, Margarette." Aubrey invited her as soon as we stepped inside.

"Well, I couldn't say no to Avery's sister! But wait I'll just change. I'll be sleeping here tonight, yo!" Margarette is really cool and that's why I love her!
We sat next to Aubrey and then talked and laughed. I also told them about the scene I had with Therese and Margarette's so proud of me. She even punched my arm.

"We'll that's my girl!" Aubrey added.

"Yeah! Don't let her do that thing to you again. You can even swing the bat faster than she can say sorry." Margarrete commented.

"Well, I'm just being the girl with man's strength in me. Now give me a high five!" And we giggled.

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