(Smut over)

Draco lay back on his bed with Harry next to him. He stroked his hair lazily. Draco turned towards Harry and kissed him, gently and compassionately. After 5 seconds Harry pulled away. He looked up to see Harry smirking, "Still such a bad kisser Malfoy?" 

Draco remembered what he had said to Harry after the amorentia incident. "Get your lips back here, Potter," Draco said in a mock commanding tone. Harry raised an eyebrow and he added, "Please." When Harry didn't make a move to kiss him, he moved and smashed their lips together, making Harry fall back on the bed with Draco on top of him. After a bit he pulled away and smirked, "You do this again and I will kiss you dead."

"I won't mind that really," Harry said, smiling. "Of course you wouldn't mind that, nobody can resist my perfect lips," Draco said with an air of haughtiness. Harry pulled his face down for a lazy kiss, and Draco complied. After 5 minutes of kissing and cuddling, Draco tried getting up; the two of them still had dinner to go for. "Five more minutes," Harry said, not letting go of Draco. "Come on Harry, I am hungry," Draco said, looking at his boyfriend. Harry slowly got out of bed, and after pulling on their shoes the two went to the Great Hall together. 

Saturday finally, Draco thought as he woke up the next morning. It was the third Saturday of the month and also they were going to Hogsmeade together. He rolled around to see that Harry was sleeping next to him. The two of them often fell asleep on the same bed but Draco didn't remember Harry coming last night. He kissed the boy's forehead and ran his finger down Harry's cheek taking in every inch of his beautiful face.

"Take a picture, it will last longer," he heard Harry say, and flushed as he was caught staring. He bent down for a chaste kiss before rolling out of bed and going to the washroom. When he came back, Harry had fallen asleep again. Draco shook him awake, as they were getting late to meet with the others. 

The two of them met everyone else in the main courtyard, and after getting their names checked, left for Hogsmeade. The group walked together, joking and laughing, and came to a stop as soon as they reached the town. 

"Okay guys, we split up into pairs and meet again for dinner at the Three Broomsticks," Pansy announced, and the group paired up. Ron and Hermione, Blaise and Neville, Dean and Seamus, Gregory and Lucy, Pansy and Tia, Luna and Ginny, Damien and Theodore, Draco and Harry. 

Draco made his way over to Honeydukes and felt Harry intertwine their fingers together. He smiled. He knew that Harry never acted as if he was ashamed of Draco, but being reassured once in a while definitely made him feel better. He gave his hand a light squeeze turning to look at Harry, who was smiling at him.

People were staring. A lot of them. Some were staring at Harry, 'the boy who lived', some at Draco, 'the death eater', but everybody was staring at their joined hands as the two walked into Honeydukes. You would think people would be a bit more subtle about the staring but no, they just stared outright and talked in whispers which, by the way, he could hear.

He heard snippets of all the conversations around him, "Death eater", "Imperiused Harry", "Love potion" and the like. Harry wrapped an arm around his waist pulling him closer and Draco took a calming breath inhaling Harry's scent of Vanilla and grass and quidditch. They bought whatever they wanted and left the shop. Harry didn't leave his hand once the whole time. Outside while they just walked around aimlessly after buying school supplies, a reporter approached them. 

"Harry Potter, may I have a word?"
Harry ignored her at first but she was persistent and kept following them. Eventually Harry relented looking at Draco who gave him a nod. The reporter ignored Draco as if Harry was alone. 

"Sir, we have heard rumours about you dating Mr. Malfoy-"
Harry cut her off, "they are true."

"But he is a death eater."
"Was a death eater."
"He recently hexed two Ravenclaw sixth years with a Furnunculus just because they approached him."
"Yes, I know and those sixth years were asking if he has me under some dark magic influence," Harry said in a venomous tone. 
The reporter looked offended, "Don't you ever think they could be right?"

"Look whatever your name is, you need a story right? So here's something for you, I like Draco a lot and I know I am not under any influence." Then Harry suddenly kissed Draco on the lips in front of everyone before walking away and pulling Draco along. They walked some more, talking, and Harry calmed himself down. Draco was happy that Harry had stood up for him when he didn't have to.

Evening fell, and the pair made their way over to the Three Broomsticks to meet with the others. The group had dinner together exchanging their stories of the day. The group was soon drunk with two many butterbeers. Pansy was easily the most drunk as she danced on the table while singing some muggle song Draco didn't know. Harry was sagged against him with his head on Draco's shoulder. 

Suddenly Seamus got up and pulled Pansy off the table. Clumsily climbing on top he stood with his butterbeer in hand, swaying slightly. 

"Listen up everybody," he said loudly, effectively getting the attention of everyone in the restaurant. 

"I like Dean and he likes me. We have been dating for a while and trust me if any of you try hurting him, you will have to go through me." He said before sitting down to kiss Dean, who was a flustered mess but was smiling like the happiest man alive. 

On an impulse, Draco got up and added, "and us" he said, gesturing to his new found group of friends who cheered in agreement. 

Nobody was very shocked with the announcement. Everybody already thought they were dating anyway. The group got up to leave and as Draco hadn't drunk that much so was comparatively sober but Harry on the other hand was a whole other story. He couldn't even stand straight and kept swaying. 

"Come on, let's get you back Harry," Draco said, putting a supportive arm around him. He walked a little behind the group. Light snow had started falling when they left the restaurant. Harry started playing with his hair, "it's so soft," he said. Draco smiled at Harry who looked adorable while he thought about something. 
"What are you thinking about?" Draco asked.
"Your hair, it's like kitten's fur" Harry said. 
"You are so cute like a kitten,"Harry added after a minute. "You should have been a kitten instead of a ferret."

Harry patted his head, "so cute."
"Shut up, Potter"
"I think I'll call you kitten now."
"You will do no such thing"
"So cute"

As Draco tried to convince Harry not to call him kitten to no avail, drunken Harry was more stubborn than usual Harry , they had reached the castle.
Draco led Harry into their dorm and tucked him into bed placing a light kiss on his forehead.

"Goodnight kitten," Harry whispered before falling asleep.


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Open to any advice and corrections. 
Loads of love,
x18potterheadx ❤

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