Fourteen | I Love You.

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I rolled over onto my side, opening my eyes with a squint, having to take a second to recognise my surroundings. It was almost surreal, because laying asleep beside me was Abby Gerhard. She looked so beautifully peaceful, shallow breaths showing the rise and fall of her chest. A smile grew on my lips as I remembered it was Christmas morning. I didn't want to wake Abby up, so I laid there, admiring her angelic face, wondering what I'd done to deserve this moment. Maybe all these years of loneliness and suffering had paid off. Maybe this was the reward God was giving me after damning my life so much.

"Mhm." Abby mumbled, stirring from her sleep, her nose twitching a little, the rest of her body doing the same as she started to wake up. I leaned forward, starting to spread kisses over her cheeks, grinning at the small smile on her lips but keeping her eyes closed.

"I could get used to this." She yawned finally, showing me her chocolatey brown eyes.

"So could I." And I did. Visioning a future of repeating this every morning would be more than heaven, if there was such a place. Abby wrapped an arm around me, kissing my forehead absentmindedly.

"Merry Christmas sweetheart." Her mumble was mixed with a tired sigh, which made me giggle. How can she look so precious?

"Do you want to go back to sleep for a bit? I can make you a coffee." I offered, brushing the brunette hair out of Abby's face.

"It's okay honey, I'll get up now, I'm excited to give you your present." She chuckled at my reaction, which was a wide eyed stare.

"You got me a present?! I told you not to!" I punched her arm lightly, pouting.

"Shh, you knew I was going to get you something. Plus, you're my favourite girl, so I would spoil you if you'd let me." Abby sat up, stretching her arms before stroking my cheek, "Take a shower with me? You know hugs in the shower are nice."

I laughed, getting out of bed with a smile, "Of course Ms Gerhard, I would love to."


"Okay, so, coffee and pancakes." Abby exited the kitchen to walk over to me, expertly carrying two plates and two mugs. She'd refused to let me do anything other than relax and watch the Christmas television viewing, which happened to be The Little Shop Of Horrors. Not a very festive movie but it came out four years ago and had been a hit. I wasn't complaining though, it was great.

"Mhm, thank you." I accepted the food and drink, placing it on the floor in front of me, yes we were sitting on the floor, like normal people, and turned to Abby. "So, I may or may not have a present for you.."

"What? So, you don't want me to buy you a present, but you buy me a present?" She raised an eyebrow, but scooted over on the floor to kiss me, "You didn't have to honey.." I knew what Abby was trying to say, she was wondering how I had the money, as it was no secret I was so horribly poor.

"I saved up, because I lo-" I coughed loudly, covering the last few words, and luckily it worked. There was no way I could confess my love, who knew how Abby would react, she probably didn't love me yet. Or ever for that matter. "I'll just go and get it." I got up, running upstairs to where my bag was, getting a flat, square shaped object wrapped in a red paper.

"It's really not exciting, it's hardly anything at all, I just saw it, you don't have to keep it, o-" My rambling was cut off by lips being pressed onto mine.

"Shh, whatever it is, I will cherish forever." Abby smiled, taking the present from my outstretched hands. Nerves filled my stomach, immediately regretting my poor choice, it hadn't been enough, no where near enough to express my feelings for the woman in front of me.

"Oh (Y/N).. this is perfect."

I bit my lip, frowning a little despite her happy expression, "Are you sure?"

"Honey, thank you so much." Abby picked up the record, a special edition vinyl of 'And I Love Her' by The Beatles, the song we'd listened to in this very room and shared our first kiss. I knew that she already had the song, but on a vinyl with other things, but I'd just seen it and thought that it would mean something special. Well, that's what my small head decided a few days ago.

"It seems so long ago since.. and but at the same time it feels like just yesterday." Abby seemed lost in thought but with a small smile on her lips, it was really quite beautiful.

"I know, I think it's been a month, we first met in November." It really hadn't been long, some may say far too soon to fall in love, but apparently not for me.

"Well, here's my present for you." Abby produced a small box from behind her, looking at me nervously as she placed it on the floor in front of me, "I hope you like it.."

Just the fact that Abby had even gone out and gotten me something was enough for me to swoon. Carefully, I untied the red ribbon around the box that was about the size of my palm. When I took the lid off, I gasped. It was a beautiful heart shaped necklace with a small red stone in the middle. "Holy shit, Abby, this is-" I touched it tentatively, almost scared of somehow ruining the necklace.

"You like it? If it's not your style then I can return it and you can choose something else."

"It's perfect, absolutely perfect. This must have cost too much." I looked up at Abby, somehow feeling guilty that she'd spent money on me.

"(Y/N), sweetheart, I have more than enough money, and I finally have someone to spend it on." She kissed my cheek before taking the necklace out of the box and gesturing for me to turn around, so I did, pushing my hair to one side so Abby could fasten the silver chain around my neck.

"Stunning." Abby murmured, scanning my whole face when she turned me back round. I blushed, looking down bashfully.

"You think?"

"Honey, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, and I won't stop telling you that until you look in the mirror one day and see what I see." Abby held my hand, pulling me into a warm embrace, one that melted me completely.

"I love you." The words slipped out of my mouth before I could even register what my brain cells were doing. Ice cold realisation hit me, pulling away immediately and stuttering out an apology, "Oh my god, I'm so s-sorry, I know it's early, I should have said it, I'm s-" Then I felt two hands cup my cheeks. I closed my eyes, ready for the worst, but when I heard a soft voice say 'look at me',I opened them cautiously.

"I love you, (Y/N), I love you so damn much." Abby confessed, making my heart both stop and also burst at the same time.

"Y-you do?" I mumbled, my cheeks still burning for embarrassment and regret.

"How could I not? You're my dream girl, I could ask for anyone else to steal my heart." Her words almost pushed me to the verge of tears, this could possibly be one of the best moments of my life. Abby Gerhard loved me. Me.

"Come here." Abby pulled me into another hug, but this time it meant so much more, it was intoxicating, her scent, her tenderness, her caring.

But somewhere inside me, now that I'd confessed, that now free space in my mind was filled with worry, well, something scarier than worry. There was still Diana, and I was honestly scared shitless, that woman was capable of so much more than one would think. Hell, she found out where I lived, I don't know what sort of personal investigator she has, but if Diana really wanted to, she really could ruin Abby's career, and tear everything apart.

Something bad was coming, soon. I could just feel it.

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