Eight | This Is Absolutely Crazy, But I Love It.

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I stood there, my hands being held by the brunette woman my life had recently become centred by. Abby's eyes were filled with things I couldn't interpret, causing her ever dark opals to sink into mine.

"I'm so so sorry (Y/N). I didn't mean to....I really should have asked." Abby looked so apologetic, looking down to our intertwined fingers.

I couldn't say anything, my mind was too busy running over the memory of the kiss, replaying over and over on a loop, a loop that wouldn't stop. My words were useless, I couldn't phrase what I wanted to express.

"Please say something." She spoke almost revealing a hint of sadness.

I shook my head slowly, trying to unscramble everything. "I don't know what to say. I just....why did you do that? Why did you...." I raised my hand helplessly, almost afraid to say the words 'why did you kiss me'.

Abby looked conflicted, fighting with herself over something, presumably trying to work out how to answer.

"I just couldn't stand there and not do anything. You make me....you make me feel things I've only read about in books. You make my heart race and make my mind a blur. I just couldn't hold myself back."

There was a silence, a hesitant silence, like we were both waiting for me to speak.

"I....I-" Tears sprung to my eyes and my hands started to tremble.

"Just tell me if you feel the same. Please, I need to know if I could have a chance with you." Abby tried to raise her hands to my cheeks but I stepped away, accidentally bumping into the dining table behind me, causing me to jump like a frightened deer.

"I've got to go. This is wrong, I-I'm wrong." I mumbled, but to myself, not Abby. I could hear her desperate pleas and attempts to grab my wrist, but I slung my bag up my arm and fumbled with the front door and running out, not looking back.

I was fairly certain I'd remember my way home because I found myself walking briskly through the crisp night, ignoring the fact that it was almost midnight. It was no later than my average work day really, except there was one difference, I was ready to pass out, to scream, to cry, to break down.

As soon as I slammed my apartment door shut, my legs gave way and I sunk to the floor. My head started to hurt with the amount of memories that were risking after being blocked out for so long. Memories of my mother's words.

"You're disgusting. You're fucking disgusting!"

"You should be locked up, freaks like you are a danger to society!"

I groaned, slamming my head into the wall behind me, wanting nothing more than to make all my inner demons go away. But they just wouldn't, and they probably never would.

How could I be falling in love with Abby? How could she even like me in that way? We were both women! It's not right. I'm not right.

The resentment kicked me in the stomach, harder than it had ever done before when I looked in the mirror. I wrinkled up my nose at the sight of my stupid dress. Who had I been trying to impress? Abby, of course. I felt sick, watching my reflection made me sick.

Why am I like this?

"(Y/N)? Snap out of it!" I felt someone wave a hand in my face, jolting me back into reality. Of course I had been lost in another world.

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