Before Ever After part 3

Start from the beginning

Inside the water fall, (Y/n) and Rapuznel were touching the waterfall as it was going down. (Y/n) begins to sing on her own as she stares in at the beautiful forest. As they were all walking, they came across a wolf growing at them.Cassandra readies to attack, but stops when (Y/n) and Rapuznel were playing with the wolf as if it was a puppy. They made it to a beautiful swap that was filled with beautiful fireflies

Both: 'Cause we got the wind in our hair
And a song in our hearts
And the fun's only starting
We got a skip in our steps and we haven't a care
And everything life ought to be
Well, we know that it's waiting for us out there
And we'll find it, we swear
With the wind in our hair

(Y/n) and Rapunzel were singing together again as they rode on Maximus. They made it to the wall. (Y/n) tosses a rope down to get ready to jump down. (Y/n) turns to see Rapunzel looking back at the castle. Rapzunel looks back at her little sister and smiles at her. They locked their arms together and leaped over the wall to start their adventure.

With much traveling, they all made it to an old run down bridge. "Just remember, no one can ever know I took you both outside the walls of Corona." Cassandra told. "Relax, Cass. Nobody's gonna know." (Y/n) smiled. Rapunzel, (Y/n), and Max advances on the bridge which slowly falls apart. Maximus was beginning to get afraid of the bridge falling apart. "Whoa! Whoa, Max. All right, this looks dangerous. Can you... can you stay here and watch Fidella for me?" Rapunzel was able to calm Maximus down. Leaving Maximus and Fidella on the other side of the bridge, Rapzunel, (Y/n), and Cassandra walked carefully made it across. Leaving the horses concern for them. Now, the three of them made it down a cliff to show Rapunzel something.

"So, what did you want to show me?" Rapzunel asked.

"Believe me, it's better if you see it for yourself." Cassandra told.

The three of them arrived at a strange stone monument surrounded by black pointy rocks.

Rapunzel goes to examine them. "They're beautiful. What are they?" (Y/n) traces her fingers on one of the black rocks carefully. "We don't know. Cass and I found them about a year ago." Cassandra draws her sword and get ready to cut one of the rocks. "And watch this... Uh, you two might want to stand back for this one." Cassandra tries to cut the black rock in hand, but it shatters into small pieces. Rapzunel was amazed by them. "They're unbreakable. Want to know the weirdest part?" Cassandra showed them the monument. Rapunzel and (Y/n) slowly approached them. "This is where they found the miracle flower that saved your mom." Cassandra explain. "And you, Rapunzel." (Y/n) stared at her sister. Rapunzel start cleaning the dust off the stone monument. The rocks starts to glow, when Rapunzel slightly touches one of them. Suddenly, a bright light explodes that caused Rapunzel, (Y/n), and Cassandra to be blown back. After the explosion, Rapunzel, (Y/n), and Cassandra wake up to a strand of Rapunzel's hair glowing in a golden color. Suddenly, more black rocks began to sprout from the ground. Cassandra quickly grabbed the princesses and ran off.

"What's going on?!" (Y/n) yelled as she ran.

"Get to the horses as fast as you can and don't look back, Rapunzel and (Y/N)." Cassandra told them. They kept on running as they tried to escape the black rocks. Cassandra stops at a large tree. "Don't stop, guys. Keep going!" Cassandra was able to kick the tree's roots and some rocks down on the black rocks. Rapunzel's holds on to (Y/n)'s hand as they ran through the woods. As they made it to the exit of the forest, they saw that Rapunzel's hair fully grow back and being golden blonde again.

"Um, Cassandra!" Rapunzel and (Y/n) called out to their friend. "Keep moving, Rapunzel, (Y/n). We need to get... Whoa!" Cassandra was shocked to see the long hair on Rapunzel's head. "What? What happened?"

"I have no idea, but we'll have to deal with it later." Rapunzel said.

They turned back to see that the black rocks were closing in. They quickly ran back to the old bridge. Max could see them and tries to go towards them but destroy a small portion of the bridge, shaking it entirely. Rapunzel, (Y/n) and Cassandra fall and get up immediately. As the three of them continued to run across the bridge, Rapunzel suddenly stopped. "Cassandra! (Y/n)! My hair!" Rapunzel cries out. Cassandra and (Y/n) saw that Rapunzel's hair was stuck in the cracks of the bridge. They quickly ran over to help her pull her hair out. Seeing that it still won't unlatch, (Y/n) got an idea. A dangerous idea. (Y/n) ran towards the end of the bridge. Once she made it there, she took out her staff and jabs her staff into the cracks, trying to free Rapunzel. The black rocks made it the old bridge and it causes the bridge to be lifted into the air. (Y/n) holds onto the bridge, fearing that she would fall off. Once the bridge settled back on the ground, it began to break into pieces. (Y/n) grabs her staff one last time and she was able to release Rapunzel's hair from the crack in the bridge. Seeing that her sister was free, (Y/n) screamed at Rapunzel and Cassandra to run. They followed her order and ran back to safe grounds. As (Y/n) was running back to them, she suddenly falls off the bridge, but she quickly holds onto the ledge.

"(Y/N)!!!" Rapuznel yells for her sister.

Maximus saw that his friend was endangered and quickly goes to her. Before (Y/n) could fall off, Maximus caught her just in time. He throws her on his back as he ran back to the others. Using as much speed as he can, Maximus was able jump to the other side, making sure that (Y/n) held on tight. Finally, the bridge falls completely at the bottom of the cliffs. (Y/n) climbs down from Maximus and Rapuznel pulls her into a hug. Happy to see her little sister safe and sound.

Cassandra dusted herself. "See? I told you I'd get you both in and out without anyone knowing. Piece of cake."

"Piece of cake? Piece of cake?! Cass, do you not see the 70 feet of "our father's going to kill us," growing from my sister's head?!" (Y/n) points a Rapunzel's head while she freaks out.

Cassandra walked towards the two princesses. "One problem at a time please."

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