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"Good morning, my dear students," a female voice echoed through the school PA system.

Seiwan and Jungkook looked up, eyes resting upon the speaker set up the top corner in the ceiling, "I, Mrs. ChungHa, your Admin supervisor, request all students to make their ways to the auditorium. Please proceed courteously, and keep your phones and other devices turned off."

"No~," Seiwan groaned, "if they start the daily assemblies, I'm leaving the school - "

Jungkook looked at her thoughtfully, "Do you think the elections are done?"

Realization dawned on Seiwan's face as she tugged her sweater down, "Oh my god! I mean, honestly, I'm super excited about the new head students and prefects, but seriously, they couldn't have considered our votes, could they?"

"Yeah, but I'm already sure the new head boy is Kim Taehyung - "

Seiwan cut him off, "I'm sorry Jungkook, but I'm trying to be mad about our disregarded votes?"

Jungkook waved his hand, dismissing her dramatics, "Yeah whatever, but I'm talking about things that are actually important -"

Jungkook yelped as Seiwan smacked his head, "How - fudging - dare you!"

"Stop cutting me off!" Jungkook took out a tissue and pressed it against his extremely red nose, "Let's go."

"Stop - oh my, Jungoo, your nose is red again!" she squealed happily. Jungkook scowled, "why are you happy?! I hate this, and my mom sneaked ten packets of tissues in my - "

Jungkook was cut off yet again by Seiwan's sing-song voice, "RUDOLPH THE RED NOSED REINDEER~" 

Jungkook's eyes widened, "Omigod, Seiwan! Shut up! What the f -"


" - Seiwan stop OMG I hate my life what the fudge -"

"AND IF YOU EVER SAW IT, YOU'D EVEN SAY IT GLOWS~" and with that both were running in the hallways. An extremely annoyed Jungkook, and a highly giddy Seiwan. 


Jungkook and Seiwan were seated in the farthest row, sitting above everyone, pointing out students and trying to recognize the western campus students.

Jungkook suddenly ducked down, "Oh my -"

Seiwan's head swerved around the room, "what? Who did you see? Is it the Kim? Huh -"

"Shut up! It's the Ghim," Jungkook hissed, pointing in their teacher's direction, "I think he saw me."

Seiwan instantly obtained an awkward aura as she tried glancing everywhere but the least-likable teacher, when she gasped, "Jungkook! I saw him! Kim Taehyung," her head swerved towards Jungkook, who was now sitting upright, "he went backstage!"

Her eyes were sparkling with excitement, "That means the elections are over! This is gonna be awesome!"

Jungkook was looking intently at the small entranceway to the backstage area, wishing to get a glimpse of the boy who was so popular in all of the campuses and branches of their school system.

He let out a disappointed groan as the lights dimmed. A tall, intimadating looking woman stepped onto the small stage in the middle.

Seiwan furrowed her brows, "is that the new principal? What's gonna happen to the previous campus principals?"

Jungkook shrugged as the woman tapped the microphone, "Ahem, attention students."

Her voice held power. It was impressive, given how all the thousands of students immediately quieted down, and all eyes had landed on her. 

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