☀️ [4] ☀️

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Jungkook froze as he locked his eyes with an extremely annoyed pair of green ones. His mind stuttered for a moment and he took in more light than expected.

He had just bumped into Taehyung. Kim Taehyung. Not only that, but had spilled boiling hot water on him, the Head boy, the school's heartthrob - and his very obvious crush.

Every part of him went on pause as his thoughts tried to catch up. His watery eyes widened and the hairs on the nape of his neck rose up.

Disregarding his shock, Jungkook shut his open mouth and jumped up, dropping downwards again in a low bow.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going and, uh, I - I don't - uh, sorry, sorry, sor - "

He broke off when he heard the male infront of him click his tongue and brush his wet sweater down. Jungkook straightened in an instant as he stared half-conciously at Taehyung - who was not making eye contact with him. He could feel his body shaking in shock and anticipation.

He gulped and came back to his senses as he saw Taehyung's back slowly growing smaller and smaller as the male walked down the hallway. His group of friends with him, who Jungkook had surprisingly not noticed before.

Letting out a shakey breath, his gaze slowly made its way down to the floor, and another wave of shock went through him as his eyes landed on his physics teacher's cup.

He dropped down, his jeans getting wet from the water he spilled before, teeth clenched. His hands groped the cup, harshly turning it around with the hardcore shaking, and he finally let out a final sigh of relief.

The cup survived, atleast.

"Oh - Damn. You are one fucked up hoe, Guk." Jungkook looked up at Seiwan's emerging figure, keeping his mouth tightly shut.

"What - in the actual duck - happened?" Seiwan crouched down to Jungkook's level, and her demeanor immediately changed, "Jungkook? Are you okay?"

Jungkook nodded, alittle too fast for it to be okay. Seiwan watched worriedly as Jungkook tried to get up. He was shaking horribly. She grabbed his forearm and helped him up.

Jungkook was still looking down, "Uh...um, Seiwan? Could you maybe fill this with water again and bring it to Ms. Hansoo?"

"Yes. Yeah, of course. Let's go together, you don't have to come in."

"Thanks," Jungkook said nodding slowly. He so wanted to cry somewhere alone, "Um, Wannie?"

Seiwan instantly looked at him,"Yea?"

"How many...how many people have their phones up?" he asked sheepishly.

"I don't even know. No one's here now, but I'm sure there was someone here before. But don't worry gukkie, word will be out in no time. Lunch will be over in 20 more minutes, so let's go."

Jungkook rolled his eyes and finally looked up. Seiwan's sarcasm made him feel slightly better, though he'd never admit it. It made him feel a bit more lightwieght.


Jungkook and Seiwan were walking down the hallway that led to the junior physics lab when a group of students walked by. They began giggling stupidly when they saw Jungkook, who flushed deeply. His face fell into a frown.

He let out a frustrated groan and rubbed his eyes, "Ugh~ I hate this..."

Seiwan sighed, "don't worry, they'll all forget in a few days," they stopped before the double white lab doors, "look on the bright side, though. You're popular," she winked and entered the lab.

Jungkook scoffed and turned around, crossing his arms as he waited. His eyes widened as a certain pair of students emeged from a corner.

Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin.

Taehyung was wearing a black hoodie instead of the maroon sweater from before. Taehyung and Jimin seemed to be having an argument, with Jimin apparently enjoying upperhand.

Jungkook felt his heartbeat quicken as he swerved away from them, "fudge, fudge, fudge - "

"Ugh, Koo, she wouldn't stop asking about yo - Ah! Wha - " Seiwan stepped out of the lab with an annoyed expression when Jungkook yanked her arm and began speed walking towards the opposite direction, "Oh my god Seiwan shut up and WALK - he's right behind us - oh holy - what even is today?"

Seiwan began speed walking alongside Jungkook, snickering uncontrollably, "I never thought you - of all people - would be the kind to be terrified of their crush - "

Jungkook began running as soon as they took a turn, "I don't think I have a crush on him anymore~ "

Seiwan stopped him when they reached the doors that led to the grounds, both panting heavily, "bro..what the actual...why were we running again?"

"Because...he...Taehyung...I don't...I ain't gonna be facing him in a while..."

Seiwan let out a laugh and pulled out her phone. Her fingers moved on the screen swiftly, "let's see...is it here?...Aha! Here we go, kookie! The clip that shall be the beginning of your new-found fame!"

Jungkook and Seiwan watched the clip with their heads clocking together. Jungkook's face flushed more with each second, and his hands unconsciously finding their way to his face, covering it in the sheer embarrassment he felt.

"I don't even more who to hate more...Taehyung, Ms.Hansoo, or the smoke..."he groaned as he watched Seiwan laugh hysterically.

"And I - I don't even know who to love more..." Seiwan let out after calming down. Her eyes fell on the phone in her hand, and she immediately fell prey to another round of laughter, "I have someone to thank today..."

Jungkook glared at her, "don't you dare."

"Let's go, everyone's staring," Seiwan said, pulling Jungkook away from the doorways.

Jungkook sneezed, bringing his arm up, "ugh, maybe it's the sneezing I have to hate. I hate you sneeze - "

"Definitley," Seiwan snickered.


Lmao, sorry, it's 2am and I needed to write cuz I couldn't sleep. Weird chapter, but what ev.

Still hope you enjoyed :)


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