"Did you not hear her say that Cedric was actively planning to kill her after their marriage? Planning to make it look like a suicide no doubt so that he would be able to inherit her shares in Drakkon industries." Titus pales as if he had indeed not heard me mention that he looks at me worriedly as if now concerned for my health.

"Are you alright your majesty? How did you discover his plans?" I wave off his concern not interested in it right now.

"Yes, I am fine,  and I received a voice recording of his conversation with his mistress from the twins in the server room, they felt it important that I listen to it before my marriage. Speaking of the twins, they also discovered a corrupt video file of someone speaking to my father before blowing up his ship and destroying the planet the Solveig's were on." Titus pales even further, showing me that at least he hadn't known anything about that.

"Is that why Gem and Mina are informing me that you hired an additional six personnel for the server room, all of whom may I mention have previous history of hacking, espionage, and theft." I nod, knowing he would not allow them into the server room if I didn't give him my express permission.

"Yes, Gem and Mina, those are their names, interesting, anyways, they have informed me that they trust them to be down there and I, in turn, told them that if one of them turns out not to be trustworthy then they will also be punished, they need the help and right now with all the possible threats coming at me, we need all the information we can get." Titus's mouth forms a firm line, but he reluctantly nods in agreement. "Excellent now that that is out of the way, prepare a ship immediately, we will be heading for the location my father's ship was last seen immediately." Titus nods, beginning to type on his sheeve as he makes the preparations.

"It will take a day or two to be completely ready." I frown at him, not understanding why it would take so long.

"Did I not already tell you to have a ship ready for travel to the Solveig planet after the wedding, did you not prepare anything?" Titus pauses in his typing, hearing from my words that I've misunderstood him.

"No, your Highness. Everything is prepared for you to leave, but it will take me a day or two to settle this mess down enough for me to leave." I shake my head immediately knowing he too did not understand what I was saying.

"You will not be coming with me, Titus. Damien, my guards, and the crew of the ship will be coming and possibly others, but you will not be among them." Titus looks at me with a hurt expression as if not understanding why I would leave him behind.

"I know that my comments were over the line, but I have not upset you so much that you would fire me have I, your majesty?" I shake my head again, he had assumed the worst possible thing I could do for him.

"No, no, nothing like that. You are correct that some of your comments were over the line, but that is not the reason you are staying behind, you are staying behind, because I need someone to govern in my place while I am away, and I can think of no one better suited for the job than you Titus. After all, you kept this Empire together for the six months my father was missing and I was not here, with Taarique trying to override your authority the entire time." Titus blushes upon hearing my words, showing that I do not thank him enough for all the work he does.

"Of course, your majesty. Thank you for the honour. I will inform the crew that they will be leaving in an hour, which should allow me to finish the final preparations, now if you would excuse me, your majesty, so that I can get to work." I wave him off, knowing that he won't start until I dismiss him.

"I am sorry to interrupt your majesty." I give Damien a raised eyebrow, wondering why he was acting so formal. "But have you tried the obvious thing yet?" I wait for him to continue, curious as to what he will say. "The locket? Have you tried finding out what your father remembers yet?" I blink in surprise upon hearing his words, having completely forgotten about the locket's existence.

The Queen Of Drakkon: Book Two Of The Drakkon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now