part 23. sharing the memories of the past.

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Issei: Kuroka....why?

He asked her, this is the first time he was angry at her.

Issei: why did you do that?

Kuroka: I am sorry Issei but it had to be done. You can hate me for it but I don't regret doing that. You both needed to see and feel everything otherwise you'll never heal from that level of damage.

Ddraig: I agree with her partner. You need to heal and you yourself said that you wanted to. Sometimes the healing process is more painful than the wound.

Issei stopped releasing his bloodlust and calmed down.

Issei: okay?

Rias: no........ Fuck.

She continues to sob.

Kuroka: you two should talk, go outside.

Both leave the training area and stand in silence for a moment.

Kuroka: no need to worry everyone, it's all good.

They nod and go back to training. If they didn't then shit would hit the fan.

Issei: really were telling the truth about the nightmares and everything else.

Rias: Yeah............. Issei........ Was I monster?

Issei: you saw my memories so you already know.

Rias: I want to hear it from you.

Issei: yes.. I saw you exactly how you saw yourself from my memories.

Rias: compared to what you went through, my pain is nothing. NOTHING.

Issei: sigh.... Maybe it was a mistake that you saw them.

Rias: it was a mistake treating you like that and letting you die......

Issei: hmm.....

Rias:, sniff.... I spoke to Ddraig in the sacred gear. Even he's livid.

Issei: us dragons tend to hold grudges.

Rias: you held a grudge before turning into one but your anger really is like that of a dragon, how are we alive I don't really know.

Issei: because Sirzechs, Sona, Grafia and Sairorg are the reasons. I respect them as they respected me, 3 of them are your family and I didn't want to hurt them by killing you, mother nature knows that I wanted to with every fiber of my being but I'm over it now, you can thank Kuroka for that. If she wasn't here then I would have lost control and torn you all into pieces and mount heads on pikes. She is the reason I let it all go.

He smiled and blushed a bit.

Rias: so you really do love her.

Issei: I love her more than anything. She's the reason I want to find peace, I want to be happy and I know that I'll never be happy if I don't let my anger go. It's not easy let me tell you that.

Rias: so there's really no chance for me?

Issei: no.

He shot her down instantly, he may have forgiven her but the anger is still there.

Rias: it's okay. I had my shot years ago and blew it, I shouldn't complain no matter how much it hurts.

(Ddraig: she thinks she had a chance? I call Albion shit on that.)

Issei: .......

Rias: Issei I just want you to be a part of our lives including my own and I've learned my lesson.

Issei: have you now?

Rias: I felt everything you did all at once, you went through it all alone and we were the cause of half of it. I'm sorry. I'll do anything to make it up to you, you can hurt me if you want to, just forgive me please.

( Issei: so she finally understands huh. Kuroka you work miracles.)

Issei: I know Rias, you really did.

Rias: does that mean you forgive me?

Issei: under one condition.

Rias began to dread what it could be.

Issei: let me register as your pawn but it's only a one time thing. Got it? I'm only doing this so I can fight Riser and Sairorg. If you fought them then you're screwed. Also stop breaking into my house and that goes for your team too.

Rias began to cry and laugh, she jumped on him once again but this time she only hugged him.

Rias: anything. Anything you want.

Issei hugged her back and both felt peace at last. Issei patted her back and rubbed her silky hair. They stayed like that for a while.

Rias: you know it's kind of pathetic now that I think about it.

Issei: what is?

Rias: that I was willing to become your queen or pawn or even your mistress if it meant that you would forgive me. Having 2 lovers would have been kind of fun even if all I was to you was a play thing.

Issei: polygamy isn't for me, I'm happy to have one lover, two is way too much.

Rias: how come?

Issei: I'd rob someone of their potential life partner and Kuroka will ways be number 1. I can't hurt her like Riser hurt you.

Rias:........ I really wish I got to know you better back then, who knew you were such a deep thinker and considerate?

Issei: being in love does one of two things. Make you stupid or make you wise, it's up to you to decide now let's go back to training. This is becoming a bit too sentimental for me.

Rias: hey if you're going to be my pawn then what about the others?

Issei: Kuroka can become your Bishop, Bikou as a rook, Arthur as a knight. I'll be your only pawn since that's what all of the underworld knows so far. The others won't take part yet. They told me in advance before we came here. They just want to observe for now.

Rias: but I know they hate us. Will they actually join?

Issei: I'll talk to them. It'll be okay red.

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