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My name is Axenette Zyree Lee. I'm 17. And for me, I believe that Life is UNFAIR.

Ever since my dad died, I've been so unlucky. Well, maybe I'm already unlucky since the day I was born. Because when I was little, my mom left me. So I stayed with dad all my life. So when he died, I became miserable. Really miserable.

And now, I've been suffering from a severe sickness..

Many doctors have said that there might be only a limited time left for me to live in this world. But even though I still have time to live my life.. I think I rather die than live....

Why would I still live if there's no one there to be with me?? everybody left me.. I have no purpose. And besides, who would be with someone who will die sooner?

Why in all people to have this stupid sickness, why me?? Why me??

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