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Monday night came rolling around again and it was another night in which Zara would make a huge impact. Every time she entered the venue where she was about to perform Zara would look at the entrance door take a deep breath and soak it all in. For some reason she still couldn't believe that she had made it to the WWE, it honestly felt like a total dream to her still. Here she was at essentially the big leagues, a black woman making a huge impact by being the centre of attention whenever she stepped onto the ring mat.

"You gonna enter the building or what Z?" An Irish voice asked her causing her to snap out of wondering phase.

"Yeah I'm coming hold your horses Fergal" She replied back rolling her suitcase along following the Irishman.

As they entered the building, Zara could see different superstars idly chatting to their co workers all around the place. She saw some people walking with haste carrying papers, ring builders carrying tools and equipment and make up artists and hair stylists walking to their stations.

Zara still amazed that she was now in the behind scenes of what was once her childhood dream. It still astounded her. She tugged her suitcase to Finn's and her locker room. The only reason they had this was because Hunter informed Finn that Zara was coming to Raw and he was the only one she trusted to keep her secret and have her on hiding space till she made it known to the WWE who she was. Even though her face had been revealed, Vince and Triple thought it was good just to keep the pair together .

"Sooooo we on the look out for lover boys tonight" Fergal asked

"Lover boys?" Zara raised an eyebrow at her dear friend.

"Yes your lover boys, Drew and Seth. Don't play dumb with me Z." Fergal winked at her opening his suitcase and taking his gear out.

"I have no idea what you're on about mate. Drew and I are friends and as for Seth...." Zara said rolling her eyes.

"As for Seth what. The man called you cute the other day and you said with your own mouth that he has been looking at you." Fergal told her Golding his arms with a smirk on his face.

"Okay so perhaps Seth has a crush on me who knows. That is not my problem since I'm not looking for anything right now" Zara replied back turning her back to the man and taking her stuff out of her suitcase.

"Z at some point you're gonna have to loosen up and get over you know who"

Zara whipped her head back and gave Fergal and slight glare as if to say don't go there. He knew she didn't like talking about as Zara now calls him he who must not be named. It was a very touchy subject point which didn't like to get into.

"Okay I'm sorry for bringing it up but you know I'm right. Plus Seth and Drew are great guys so whoever you eventually pick I'll be happy for you and with you 100 percent of the way" Fergal said a slight smile working it's way on his face.

Zara sighed dejectedly, she knew he was right in regards to forgetting her past relationship but she knew she wasn't ready yet to pursue anything. Zara had just got to the WWE and getting a new boyfriend was not on her to do list as of yet. She wanted to focus on being the new top best in the company and pushing women to new heights especially black women.

Of course she considered both Drew and Seth as attractive men but they weren't her main focus as of now and that would continue to be the way it was until she felt ready to get back into the dating realm. Maybe sometime later she would reconsider and but right now Zara's mind was focused on re-learning herself and making it to the big leagues at a job she had dreamed of since she was a child.

"Yeah yeah I hear you Ferg, but I'm just not ready for anything yet. I appreciate your efforts though" Zara stated walking towards the man to give him a little cuddle as a token of appreciation which he gleefully returned.

"Okay, but you know I've got your back in anything you do right?" He asked placing his head on top of hers to which she replied nodding in his chest.

Later on that night Fergal had a match which he one and Zara thought he performed extremely well. Zara was always enthralled watching her best friend wrestle. He had this ability to tell a story and making anyone and everyone look good which Zara was secretly jealous of. Fergal had decided to take an early night since he wanted to head to the gym early the next morning so he left before the show was done. Zara on the other hand had to stay to do a quick promo.

Zara sat on a block cross legged bat in hand looking at it with a smile on her face. The camera man was in position to record her and her promo was going to play after the Shield boys had beat up the group of Lashley, Corbin and McIntyre ahead of their match at FastLane.

"Okay 3 2 1 go" the camera man told Zara.

Zara start smacking the bat in her hand and laughing evilly before looking up at the camera.

"Oh sorry hi boys, didn't you see you lot there. You're probably wondering what I want with you lot. I've been mysterious for the past couple weeks bashing you lot with my trust bat here and not really saying much as to why. Well you lot don't get a why" Zara got up from her position causing the camera man to walk backwards a bit.

She swung the bat and then laid it on her shoulders.
"As I said I'm a daredevil. I do what I want when I want and what I want is to make a statement to the WWE. I ain't your average bird loves. Nah I'm Zara Alexander and I'm here to kick everyone's asses" she laughed putting emphasis on the word everyone.

She looked down a bit and then looked straight into the camera.
"By everyone I mean everyone. Man or women I don't give a shit mate. I told you all this is now Hell's Kitchen. I run this show now and you're all living in it. If I have to fight you little Shield boys or anyone else to get to the top I'll bloody well will. You've been warned lads and ladies. Take care now" she blew a kiss and winked before fake swinging the bat at the camera breaking it.

Zara looked at the camera who nodded his head causing her to breathe a sigh of relief.

"That was really good Zara, you've got a real talent there" the camera man who should believed was called Dan said.

"Aw bless you, means a lot" Zara replies back smiling before walking back to her locker room to collect her stuff.

"So... making huge impressions are we?" A deep gruff Scottish voice spoke out before she could open her door.

Zara merely looked up at the giant Scotsman and shrugged a sly smile planted on her face.
"I mean, if that's what you think then sure. I'm just being me to be honest mate"

She flipped her hair to side running it through her hands but keeping a look on the man in front of her waiting for this reply back.

"I would say you are. That promo was truly one of a of kind" he stated crossing his arms and leaning on the wall beside him.

The air wasn't tense, it wasn't thick. There was a calm sense of respect drifting between the two. Drew could acknowledge the passion Zara had for this career and for this company and every time he heard in speak in character it did in fact cause him to feel more attraction towards her. He just wasn't too sure if she felt them same way.

"Well I would say that I appreciate your kind words Drew, it does actually mean a lot." She smiled, her eyes gleaming up at him. "I would also say we should hang out again sometime. Last time was a ton of fun and I've missed that"

Drew merely smirked back at her nodding his head in agreement to which Zara was happy with. Though she also knew she had to take it easy with the way she spoke to him. She didn't want to lead him on when she knew in herself that she wasn't ready to commit to anything.

"Call me when you're ready yeah" she stated winking and gliding past him and into her room collecting and gathering her stuff up. She found a note from Finn saying he would grab pizza for her and snacks so they could watch movies and off she went driving back to her hotel room after collecting her stuff. Leaving Drew wondering what the deal with Zara was and whether or not she was flirting with him. What he didn't notice as he shook his head chuckled before walking off was the presence of one architect of shield.

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