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Colby as Zara had now become accustomed to calling him was very quick on taking her on a date. Literally two days after he had asked her he told her to be ready for 8pm. Zara who hadn't been on a date in literally what seemed to be years was freaking out in her and Finn's room pacing back and forth.

"Earth to Zara, you're gonna make a hole on the floor love" Finn chimed taking a quick glance at her from looking up at the tv. "Don't even know why you're so nervous"

"What part of I haven't been on a date in years do you not get?" She rolled eyes before flopping backwards on the bed. "Fergal I don't even know if I have date worthy clothes"

"Date worthy clothes? Zara you know you look good in anything. Just put on that white crop top, with your straight leg jeans and a flannel. The essence of a date is to be yourself you donut" Fergal stated calmly, he had just about had it with her pacing and worrisome muttering. "Don't even think about staring a sentence countering me with a but. Go get your ass changed"

Zara sat up from the bed and simply did as she was told, gathering the items of clothing from her suitcase. In her heart she knew her Irish mate was absolutely right but that didn't settle her heart down or decrease the anxious tension she was currently feeling. She didn't even know where Colby was taking her. Not only that but there was a slight possibility that she was still thinking about Drew and not going forward with this date and she was unsure as to whether she was comfortable.

"Z stop thinking and just do. I can literally feel your brain overloading. Relax. Take a deep breath" Fergal said as she got back from changing clothes. Zara hadn't realised how long she spent standing in one spot and just thinking.

She gave her best friend a quick genuine smile before taking a deep breath and walked towards the bathroom to change. A when she walked out backed out fully changed all she could hear was a gasp coming from her one and only real friend.

"Well don't you clean up nicely" he smirked at her causing her to throw a pillow at him.
"I gave you a compliment and you're throwing pillows?!" He shrieked dodging the pillow coming towards him.

"It sounded snarky" she shrugged simply at him.

He glared at her for a bit before a beaming smile settled on his face. Feral got up from the bed and hugged his friend, it's been a while since not only had he seen her but seen her actually try to enjoy herself. If there was one thing about Zara that he disliked was her ability to isolate herself in situations and not live life for what it was.

"I'm proud of you doll" Fergal stated a twinkle glistening in his eyes and he looked straight into hers.

Zara rolled her eyes at his dramatics.
"It's only a date Ferg, you act like I've saved the world or something"

"Don't worry you'll understand soon enough. Now off you go, don't want to keep your future man waiting" He shooed her out of the door.

"Future man? Boy are you crazy" she shouted as he closed the door on her.

Zara sighed, looked at her feet before pulling her head up, a confident aura surrounding her. She took a deep breath and started making her way towards Colby's room. Exiting the hallway that she was in and heading towards the elevator. She pressed the button, tapping on her side waiting the elevator to come down. The door finally opened and she walked inside pressing the number 4 which was the floor Colby was on. The elevator music was slowly calming her down and putting her to ease.

She made her way out of the elevator and headed down the hallway, grabbing her phone from her back pocket. She texted Fergal.

'what if he was joking? what if I'm underdressed? fergal this was a bad idea'

'will you calm down! just knock on his door dummy'

'who you calling dummy dumbo?'

'clearly you the one freaking out unnecessarily'

'I'm nerv...'

Zara couldn't finish her sentence cause she had bumped into what seemed like a solid wall causing her to drop her phone.

"Goddamit" she muttered dropping to the floor as did the person she bumped into.

They both went to reach for her phone.

"I am so sorry, I didn't you see you..."

Zara recognised that voice and gruff accent and looked up to see Drew.

SHELTER - D. MCINTYRE Where stories live. Discover now