Kurt paused, though he did not relax as he slowly turned back to Logan with a perfectly blank expression - save the single raised eyebrow. "Is that so?"

"It is."

"Then you're telling me that there is reason to watch for another baby?"

"Sure is," Logan said, smirking as K's eyes widened.

With a grin, Kurt teleported over to wrap K up in a tight hug - and entirely missed the look of sheer triumph that Logan was giving K, though to her credit, she didn't know if he was screwing with Kurt - or screwing with her. She was frowning at Logan over Kurt's shoulder as he grinned and Kurt practically sung out blessings in German. All while K lightly patted his shoulder. "Please stop that," she said, earning a boisterous laugh from Kurt before he held her at arms length and then kissed her cheek.

"Of course I'll watch them for you," he said, the smile threatening to break his face in half. "And where is it you two are headed off to?"

"Had to spend a little time with Steve and Spidey," Logan said.

"Ah, yes. They should be second to know," Kurt agreed. "Let them come to terms with how little time you'll be wasting with the Avengers from here on out."

Logan gave Kurt a dry look, but K grinned. "Just for that, you are absolutely 100% the only choice for Godfather."

"As if anyone else could come close," Kurt scoffed, then paused before he turned to the three Howlett kids playing nearby. "I'll take good care of them."

"Of course you will," Logan agreed before he got to his feet and clapped a hand on Kurt's shoulder. A moment later, he was wrapped up in a hug as Kurt showered Logan in congratulations - and Logan made sure to tell him to keep quiet.

K still didn't know if Logan was serious or not though, and when he pulled her over by the waist, she very nearly shoved his hands off of her. She didn't feel different. But she had cried for Jean when she found out that she was expecting. And that wasn't normal for her. So she wasn't quite sure what to make of any of it as the two of them headed for Logan's Jeep.

They were halfway to the city before K had to turn the music down. "You were talking about Jean, right?" K asked. "I don't have to .... I don't know. Plan out your funeral before I kill you, right?"

Logan couldn't help himself but to smile her way. "Why? You thinkin' about another one?"


"I wasn't talkin' about you, sweetheart," he said, one hand over his heart. "If you were pregnant, I wouldn't tell you over coffee. I'd tell you in bed, where I had you to myself."

"And you're going to let him think that I am until when?"

"Probably until Jean and Scott announce it," Logan laughed. "I never said it was you. You never said it was you. Let him rile himself up."

K let out a breath of relief and leaned back into her chair, watching the scenery pass them as they drew closer to the city. "He's going to get you back."

"Eventually," Logan agreed.

"You better hope he doesn't mislead anyone else," K said warningly. "That is a whole different issue, you know."

"He can keep his mouth shut," Logan said, shaking his head. "He's always been able to keep it quiet when he needs to."

K watched Logan for a moment, though she didn't argue with him on it. Kurt could keep a secret. If he wanted. She just didn't know that the fuzzy blue elf would want to keep something of that caliber secret.

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