"Go for it," Logan grumbled, more than ready to get a shower and into clean clothes after two practices that had run overly long.

"Oh, come on. You don't mean that, do you, you hairy, overly-grumpy little weasel?" Peter called out - only to get flipped off by Logan. "Cap! Did you see that?"

"No," Steve said, which only had Peter sputtering as Logan started to head out, but his progress was halted when Steve stepped up next to him.

"We need to sit down and talk about this academy," Steve said.

"Had some plans, Cap."

"Yeah, you two always have 'plans'. You know, Logan - I thought you were on board for this. Weren't you the one telling me how important it was that kids get a fair shot?"

Logan frowned and turned to correct him. "I was talkin' about the mutant kids that get railroaded when they're not shipped off or murdered."

"Right. But you know as well as I do that the best way to protect all of those kids is to show a bigger mutant presence on the Avengers. Prove to the world that one gene isn't something to be feared," Steve said. "Besides ... most of the kids that go through that school of Xavier's end up on the other team. Every year it's looking less and less like a school and more like a training camp."

Logan narrowed his eyes. "That's not the case, Cap. More kids leave that place and go on to just live."

"But self defense is required for everyone?"

"You bet your ass it is," Logan agreed. "Or did you already forget what it was like to be smaller than everyone around you and pushed around?"

Steve's eyes flashed. "You know that's not the case." As the two of them headed toward the locker room, he tried to steer the conversation back on course. "I thought you said you'd help me with this."

"I did, and I will," Logan said, slowing to a stop. "But I have other things I need to do, too."

"So bring the family with next time," Steve said with a smile. "I think I'd like K's outlook on some of this too."

Logan nodded to himself, but didn't say anything. Not when he still had to sit down and hash out what it was that Steve needed to get the academy running. "I'll meet you at your desk in ten," he said finally - which earned a broad grin from Steve and a clap on the shoulder.

"Make it fifteen," Steve said. "You're not the only one that needs a rinse-off."

"I wasn't gonna say anything but ...."

"I don't think I should take too much to heart considering the source," Steve said.

"That's your call, Cap," Logan said as the two of them went to clean up. It didn't surprise Logan one bit that Steve didn't wait to get started on their chat about the new academy, stating up the chat the moment they were out of the locker room.

The kids at Xaviers were making up for lost time while the adults buzzed around them. Jean and Scott were always wrapped around each other - when Scott wasn't trying to wait on her hand and foot - but Rachel had quickly learned to stay out of their way when they were doing that, and as her father settled in to a late lunch with her mother, Rachel followed the sounds of children to find her friends.

Abbey was reading a story to Michael and Rose, but James was well away from the group under a tree and laying on his stomach with his chin on his arms. "Wanna play?" Rachel asked as she dropped down to sit next to him.

"Lookit," James said, holding out his hand and showing her his treasures - three four leafed clovers already ... and one that had six leaves. "Wanna help?"

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