Part 2: Confrontation from my rival

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A/N: Slight OOCness in this chapter. I apologise for the inconvenience, I have slight problems with writing Yukihira Soma properly.


Yukihira Soma had thought that he and Aldini Takumi was quite similar. They had both worked for their family restaurants: Yukihira in Japan and Aldini in Italy. Their experience was different than others, unlike them, they had served to the customer themselves from a young age.

As similar as they were, it was true that they were also quite different. It was slightly hard to explain, but Soma couldn't help but feel drawn towards his "rival".

Even if different conditions were created, Yukihira was sure that Takumi would still claim Soma as his rival anyway. He seemed oddly determined about keeping this fact.

Soma was rather surprised when Takumi came up to him, looking a bit serious. Takumi had eyed around, looking as if he was trying to determine if anyone else was around, lurking. Of course, no one was. But since when is Takumi so paranoid?

"Yukihira, I have to talk to you about something! I will come by your room to visit you tonight, don't dare keep me waiting."

Soma found it weird. Was this about the food war he had with Chef Shinomiya? It didn't seem so because knowing how strong headed Takumi is, he probably would have insisted right there and then if he really wanted to know more about the food war. It seemed Takumi was interested in something else though.

This matter kept bothering him even when he was eating the delicious food all the graduates prepared. Even the ecstasy of those weren't able to keep his mind away.

Now that he thought about it... he hasn't seen Takumi much whilst eating. He was sure his "rival" would not waste much time to find a competition even in this setting but there was no sign of Takumi the whole ordeal. Perhaps Soma just didn't look enough?

In the end, Soma found himself making his way to his room earlier than expected from many of his friends in Polar Star dorm. They were having such a good time playing card games in Marui's room though...

Tadokoro, the blue haired and usually soft spoken girl, did ask about this, which Soma just dismissed saying he is a bit tired and had a little business to take care of. Yuki joked about Soma having a date, which Soma denied, only causing for laughter to erupt and more teasing to come.

It wasn't long after he reached his room that his door rang. Soma shot up from his bed which he had just sit on, walked towards the door and opened it.

There stood the lovable Italian, Takumi Aldini. He possessed blonde hair and blue eyes unlike his twin brother, which did make the boy rather attractive. He did have the tendency to act like a tsundere, cue to the bus scene, but Soma didn't seem to be bothered by that. Soma was 3 centimetres taller than Takumi, though neither acknowledged this fact at that moment.

"Good evening, Yukihira." Takumi greeted the red head, though it was hard to understand whether that was a mock or a genuine greeting due to the interactions Takumi had with Soma so far.

Takumi did seem a bit... colder? Did that make sense? I mean, sure, they were "rivals" according to Takumi but this was on another level. Was Takumi mad at him or something?

Before he can open his mouth, Takumi decided to make himself feel at home, sitting onto the bed, at the very same spot Yukihira was sitting at before. He crossed his arms underneath his chest, eyes piercing through the other.

Yukihira didn't seem that intimidated by the sudden cold shoulder the other gave. He still thought this was about the food war he participated in to help Tadokoro not get expelled.

"Why?" Takumi started the conversation, clearly unhappy about something. Though, Yukihira misunderstood.

"You probably already know why, Tadokoro was about to get expelled-" Yukihira began about how he couldn't let Tadokoro get expelled because of the personal issues Shinomiya had, only to be hushed by the elder Aldini twin.

"Not that, idiot!" He silenced Yukihira. God, what kind of oblivious idiot is he?

"Huh...?" Yukihira seemed to not understand. "Then... what?" He was utterly confused. If this was not about the food war, then why was Takumi so upset with him? It was the only reason he could think of.

"Don't... don't make me say it!" Takumi was embarrassed and it could easily be seen by the blush his face had, he was thinking of a way to say he didn't like Ikumi running around Yukihira like that without sounding like a jealous girlfriend, because he was not jealous of Yukihira dammit!

The blonde mumbled something underneath his breath, which Yukihira did not understand due to how low his voice was.

"I didn't quite understand what you said." Yukihira was telling the truth, but Takumi thought he was being mocked.

He suddenly shot up from the bed, facing Soma as he glared with clear frustration, their faces were perhaps a bit too close, "I said why do you let Ikumi so close!" His voice displayed frustration, anger and... disappointment? Or was it sadness? It was hard to tell.

But one thing was for certain...

"Takumi... are you perhaps... jealous?" This was enough to set off the easily angered Italian. With his twin not around to drag him away, there was truly no escape for Soma.

"No! Why would I be jealous of you? Why would anyone be jealous of you when there is me, who will beat you!" The rest of the speech was denials, a few insults, threats and promises to crush Yukihira. Though the threats were even harder to take seriously for Soma considering how embarrassed Takumi was.

Yukihira gave a loop sided grin, mocking Takumi, "You are jealous, aren't you? It is written all over your face!" he was full on teasing at the moment. The energetic and cheerful boy usually ignored all the taunts Takumi sent, though this situation was way too interesting and different than usual. 

"So what if I am jealous of some girl you did a food war with? Have you seen the way she looks at you for fuck's sake!" Now this was something Soma didn't expect. He didn't think Takumi would actually admit to being jealous. 

Well, it wasn't some girl, it was THE Meat General but it seemed to not really matter to Takumi.

Whenever Soma tried to talk, it seemed that Takumi was quick to shush him with his rather defensive arguments.

Soma sighed, they weren't getting anywhere like this. Firstly, Takumi had to calm down and shut up about Nikumi for a second.

Seeing as words would not be enough to calm his rival down, Soma decided that actions may just speak louder.

With sudden movements that startled Takumi, he grabbed the other's waist, pulling Takumi closer than before. This position was perhaps a bit too intimate, because Takumi was obviously embarrassed. It could be seen with ease from the way how he suddenly looked like cat got his tongue.

"There is no such need for you to be jealous, Takumi," Yukihira reassured his 'rival'. Frankly, it was true, there wasn't a reason for Takumi to be jealous and worry about Ikumi. Soma wasn't really interested in Nikumi, at least, not in such way.

They talked for a bit more until one of them noticed how late it had gotten, about things Takumi would rather keep private and about things Soma would grin about whenever he remembered them.

It was already late enough, Takumi knew he had to leave already. Isami, his twin brother, was probably worried about him.

He stood by the door frame, "Yukihira," he began, this was not about Ikumi this time around but rather about Chef Shinomiya. "I know you said you didn't want to talk about it back there, and that is fine but, be a bit less reckless, will you?"

"I promise." And with those words the red head said, Takumi Aldini left with a new sense of security towards certain things. It was safe to say he would not be so worried next time he saw Ikumi around Yukihira.

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