"Hell no." Alfonso said.

Her face began turning red in embarrassment. "Why not?"

"I'll never forgive you, Crystal." I said. "I was faithful to you, and you were cheating on me behind my back with some chavo you probably don't even know that well."

"It wasn't like that." She shook her head.

"Well, it looked like that to me." I said. "I think I love you, Crystal, but things will never work out between us."

"You think—"

"I just don't want you anymore." I interrupted her. "But, you have your side guy so why do you want to be with me, again?"

Silence grew between all three of us, as Crystal looked at me in embarrassment. The bell rang and that meant that lunch was over and it was time to go to our next class. "Look, I'm gonna go to class."

I said goodbye to Alfonso, and got up and left the lunch room without saying another word to Crystal. Even though I knew she wasn't any good for me, it was still hard to get her out of my mind. She made it even harder when she came up to me like that. I was really starting to regret leaving her, but I knew it was the right thing to do.

I went to my locker and got everything I needed then walked down the hallway to Mrs. Ramero's classroom. The bell rang again, and that meant I was late. This wasn't new to me—I was late for pretty much every class I had, but I didn't really care to be honest. Hell, at least I was actually coming to class. I could skip if I wanted to, but I decided not to do that since my mom beat the hell out of me with her chancla when she found out. I didn't want to go through that again.

Mrs. Ramero, California's meanest Mexican lady to ever live was already standing by the door waiting for me. She did that every time she thought I was going to skip just so she could run to her house phone after school and call my mom. She was a mean old witch.

"You're late." She said to me as she gave me a mean look.

"And what?" I asked. "You're gonna give me detention?"

"I guess I will, since you want to run your mouth at me." She snarled.

"You started it," I scoffed. "Give yourself a detention."

"Get in the classroom and shut your mouth, before I call your mother up here." She growled as she pointed inside her classroom.

I sucked my teeth and walked into the classroom, making my way to my assigned seat in the back of the room. I hated this class, and I couldn't understand why we even had this class in the first place. If you didn't know how to speak Spanish what the hell were you doing in El Sereno? I already spoke Spanish fluently, and I didn't need this class nor did I want to be in here with my devil of a teacher.

"Anyone who hasn't finished their project you all have received three F's and I will be calling your parents to let them know that you haven't did your homework." Mrs. Ramero sarcastically smiled as she stood up in the front of the classroom. "Anyways, today I'm assigning you all a partner and you will be working on a flip book."thin

"Ugh." I groaned as I put my head down.

"Together you both will list every city and town of Mexico, and give at least ten facts about each." She said. "Then, you will individually trace a map of Mexico and put the names of the cities where they belong. Any questions?"

Nobody said anything.

"Good." She said. "I'm about to—"

A knock on the door interrupted her talking. I got up and Mrs. Ramero rolled her eyes, and walked over and opened the door. In came Crystal strutting with her high heels. "Why are you late Miss Scott?"

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