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“Yoon? Ya there?” Yoongi looked up, startled from his thoughts. Namjoon was next to him, looking down at his smaller boyfriend. Jin was at work, and the two hybrids had gone to the store while he was gone, the store wasn’t too far away, close enough to walk. They weren’t on a big trip, just to get some milk and cereal, stuff like that. Jungkook had asked for them to get him some carrot cake if he could find it. They were in the bakery, Yoongi had been looking through the cake design book absentmindedly as Namjoon looked for the carrot cake, and he had paused on a picture of a baby shower cake, unable to look away. Namjoon had wandered back over after a minute.

“Y-Yeah, I’m here,” Yoongi softly said, closing the book, “I wasn’t gone for long, don’t worry.” 

“That’s good.” Namjoon pressed a kiss to the top of Yoongi’s head before taking his hand, “I found some carrot cake, lets hurry home, ok?” The smaller nodded and followed, instinctively looking around. As two hybrids out by themselves, Yoongi and Namjoon got plenty of looks, but they were used to it. For once, they left the store without incident, which Yoongi was plenty grateful for. 

“Oh my god, thank much!” Jungkook squealed when he saw the cake, rushing up and taking it before parading around happily, showing off his four-month pregnant belly. Yoongi smiled softly.

“Thank you so much,” Tae corrected, and Jungkook giggled before correcting himself. 


“Wh-what if we tried for one?” Yoongi asked that night. His head was on Jin’s chest while Joon spooned him from behind, already fast asleep as always. It felt like the days were for him and Joon, but the nights were for him and Jin.

“Tried for what, kitten?” Jin asked, playing with Yoongi’s hair gently. 

“A baby. What if we tried to have one?” Jin paused his actions, and Yoongi bit his lip, thinking he said something terrible.

“I mean, that’s something that we can discuss, if we want to be parents. We can talk about it in the morning if that’s what you really want.” His hand started petting Yoongi’s ears, and the hybrid started purring, causing the sleeping cougar behind him to start purring.

“I-I don’t know if I really want one, or if it’s just...the memory of when I almost had one. Or the pain of losing it. But-but I just can’t… let it go…” Yoongi sniffed, but Jin gently soothed him.

“We can figure that out ourselves. How about you get some sleep, kitten, sound good?” Yoongi nodded, laying his head back down.


“I’m sorry about how I acted when I was in the hospital,” Hoseok said through the glass. He had just gotten back from the hospital and in condition for visitors the week before, and Yoongi had finally mustered up the courage to start visiting him again. He wasn’t sure why he even bothered with the visits every other week. He had stopped doing them while Hoseok wa in the hospital, after what he had told Yoongi under the painkillers.

“It...was weird,” Yoongi admitted, “But I won’t hold it against you. I mean it was a little bit flattering, no matter how much more unsettling it was.” He managed a shaky laugh.

“Y-you don’t have to keep coming to see me, it makes you uncomfortable,” Hoseok sighed, scrubbing his face with his hand. They had this little argument every time Yoongi came to visit. 

“Hoseok, you’re my friend. You did something bad, you screwed up, but that doesn’t change that fact,” Yoongi repeated like clockwork.

“Even if that bad thing was kidnaping you and delivering you to the worst month of your life?” 

“You had to do it. Jimin was in danger.”

“I should have just gone to the police.”

“Yeah, maybe. But that doesn’t change that I know you’re a good person.” Hoseok huffed out a laugh.

“You’re impossible.”

“You know, even though, you’re in there because of me, and I was in that place because of you, I really hope we can be friends again. I’m not going to hope for anything more than that, we’ve both moved on. No more anger or hate or going behind people’s backs. Ok? Just friends.” Yoongi said.

“Of course. It’d be a shitty move to try and pull something on you with momma Jin and big bad Cougar Joon.” Hoseok remarked.

“I’d be more scared of Jimin. They say distance makes the heart fonder and sure enough, he’s counting down every day closer to the next time he gets to see you. Try to pull anything and he’d tear you a new asshole.” Yoongi laughed.

“Oh, I wouldn’t doubt it. Let’s just stick with who we belong with.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s nice finally agreeing with you. Make sure to not hurt Jimin. Don’t make the same mistake twice.”

“Yes sir.”


“It’s gonna be a girl!” Tae whooped as he burst in the door, carrying Jungkook, who was giggling and cradling his five-month along belly. 

“A girl!? Awesome!” Namjoon exclaimed. Yoongi clapped happily. Over the month, he had finally felt as though his mental state was making a recovery after the setback that was Hoseok high on painkillers. He had confronted, cried over, and accepted the death of his unborn child, and was starting to think that maybe this whole thing with Namjoon and Jin could work out. 

“Joonie, can’t we have a baby?” Jin whined. After the late-night conversation he and Yoongi had, Jin had jumped on board of having a child. Yoongi had caught him quite a few times looking at cribs and baby clothes online, or standing in the mostly empty guest bedroom as if imagining a child in it. 

“A baby? I’m not getting pregnant,” Namjoon laughed, missing the point. 

“Come come come!” Jungkook excitedly called, scittering down the hallway to what was their guest bedroom previously. They were to reveal the new nursery when the gender was found out, and this was the day. 

“TA-DA!” Tae exclaimed as they threw open the door. The group collectively gasped, Jimin making an excited squeal. 

“It’s so cute!” He cooed. The room was painted a creamy yellow, with a mural clearly done by Jungkook’s talented ass, of a daytime sky fading to sunset fading to a starry sky, covering one wall completely. There was a crib and changing table tucked away to the side with soft toys overflowing the surfaces of both. The closet was filled with cute clothes for either gender, in a rainbow of colors. 

“Went overboard but I like it,” Jungkook admitted. Yoongi stared in awe around before grabbing Jin’s arm.

“I need a baby, jesus christ.” He said, laughing.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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