Sick Day

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A/N: I am so so so sorry that this chapter is really, really late, but I've been really busy so I haven't had the time to write much. I've decided to make this easier on myself I'll try and post a new chapter to this every other week, but I also hope to get another one soon to make up for the long wait. Sorry again. Enjoy!

Cycle: Minute

Everyone was settling in pretty well. It took a while, but eventually everyone felt comfortable in their new surroundings. It was surprisingly easy to take care of all the younglings. The only one they had some difficulty with was First Aid, but that was pretty understandable. So far they hadn't had any huge problems with epilepsy, autism, ADHD, OCD, and everything else, really. There were a few meltdowns here and there, but Ratchet and Wheeljack never seemed to be bothered by it; as long as they were helping the youngling in any way possible, they were fine.

"Have you seen the Protectobots much today?" asked Wheeljack. He had barely seen them and when he did, they always seemed to be in a rush. The reasons they came out with were also strange. They kept coming out for Energon and... blankets? Why would they need blankets? He thought to himself.

"No, not really. Why?" Ratchet responded. Now that he thought about it, it did seem strange that half of the younglings weren't running around the house causing havoc. "Do you think we should check on them?" At Wheeljack's nod, they both told the Aerialbots to behave and went to search for the missing gestalt.


"Hey guys, are you alright?" asked Ratchet, opening the door to the Protectobot's room. The sight before him the medic in him come out. First Aid was lying on his berth looking absolutely miserable. His brothers seemed to be keeping him comfortable, presumably speaking through the bond.

"First Aid's sick," explained Streetwise. "He may or may not have had a seizure as well..." At Wheeljack's stare, he added, "Okay, he did! We don't know if it was his temperature or his epilepsy. Maybe both?" Ratchet quickly asked if it was okay to touch First Aid to make sure he was okay and, when Hot Spot said the youngling was okay with it, he quickly started examining him.

After a few cycles Ratchet asked if the rest of the Protectobots would help bring First Aid to the med bay Ratchet had set up in their house for such an occasion. When they arrived, the medic hooked the youngling up to some machines to monitor him and ensure that nothing else was wrong. After a while First Aid had fallen into recharge, according to his brothers.

Wheeljack suggested that the rest of the gestalt go and play with their other brothers while First Aid slept.

"I wish they had told us that something was wrong. I know that they probably never really got help before, but I wish they knew that we can help them now," said Wheeljack after a bit of silence. Ratchet didn't say anything, but he agreed; the gestalts need to tell them when something is wrong. "It scares me to think something could happen to them and we wouldn't know, especially with First Aid." Wheeljack turned to Ratchet. "We need to find a way to at least help him see or hear. And to help Fireflight hear better and Hot Spot see better. There's also the issue with learning disabilities and disorders and such. We have got a lot to do to help these guys out."

"You're right, but let's start with one need at a time. We wouldn't want to overwhelm ourselves or the younglings," replied Ratchet.


Meanwhile, the rest of the Protectobots went into the living room to see if the Aerialbots would want to play with them. When they entered the room, they saw their brothers sitting in a circle with... something inbetween them.

"Hey guys," said Silverbolt when he saw them. "How's First Aid?"

"He's okay. Ratchet has him in the med bay, so he should be alright," responded Streetwise.

"That's good. I hope he's okay," said Air Raid. The only ones that had heard him speak were his brothers (all of them [except maybe First Aid] because even though Fireflight was partially deaf, he can hear through the bonds) and Arcee. "Is there anything you guys want to do you keep your minds off of him for a bit?" The Protectobots nodded and in no time they were all playing a game together.

A/N: This is short. So I made this shorter to have SOMETHING posted. I didn't know what to write for this chapter, so I just went with the first thing that came into my mind.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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