Settling In

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A/N: Cycle-Minute and Kilk-Second

Tear'n'Chase- Tag, but there's one runner and the rest are 'it' so the game ends when the runner gets tagged, or they make it back to the 'safe spot' before time runs out.


The younglings were looking around the main room. When they first entered, they seemed fascinated and perplexed by the idea that they finally had a loving family after so long. Five cycles later, one of them, Silverbolt, walked up to Wheeljack and Ratchet. He stood there for a moment before giving both mechs a huge embrace.

"Thank you so much!" The youngling stayed there for a while longer before running back to his brothers. All ten children looked extremely excited to be there and not at the orphanage. They also seemed nervous to be in a new place after being in there for a while. Ratchet was glad that he had been able to give them all a home, and he could tell Wheeljack was as well.

Then he realized that they still needed to show the younglings around. He wasn't to worried about showing them the home, but he was worried about their quarters. He and Wheeljack had tried their best to keep them all in a single room, but it was too cramped so they had settled for the next best thing: letting each gestalt share a room. The Aerialbots would be in one room, while the Protectobots would be in the one right across the hall. They had no clue if they'd like that or not, but they didn't have much of a choice.

"Alright, younglings. Who's ready to have a look around?" Wheeljack questioned, enthusiastically. All of the younglings raised their servos. All except First Aid and Fireflight. "Erm, would one of you mind asking First Aid and Fireflight that question?" he asked innocently. A couple kliks (seconds) later, they both raised their servos as well. "Great! Now
if you'll just follow me..."


"That was awesome!"

"I know, right?"

"I never thought a place could be this big except for the orphanage."

"What did you think about it, First Aid... Really?"

All the children had absolutely loved the house and were fine with the room arrangements. So far everything had been going well and they hadn't had any emergencies, but that could all change really quickly.

"Excuse me, but we're getting kind of hungry." Ratchet spun around to find Blades behind him, looking at the floor. He realized that he was hungry as well. He mentioned this discovery to Wheeljack, and they both led the younglings into the refueling area.

Skydive refused to eat at first, but eventually, after some coaxing from his gestalt, he managed to eat half of his meal. They'd have to work on that, but right now all that mattered was getting the younglings settled.


"I'm going to get you, Air Raid," cried Silverbolt. The youngling had gotten bored, so they had begun to play Tear'n'Chase. They had played 10 rounds so far and at the moment Air Raid was trying to make it back to First Aid (who was designated at the safe spot). Air Raid made his way through the halls and into and out of each and every room to get to First Aid, but in the end, Silverbolt kept his promise and managed to tag the youngling.

Air Raid groaned. He then proposed they play another game, but Wheeljack stopped them since it was getting late and they needed to recharge. This earned him a whine from them, but they went to their rooms anyways; Blades led Hot Spot and First Aid. At last, the house was quiet, and the two mechs had some peace and quiet. Or so they thought. Not even one cycle after the younglings had left, they heard two of them crying. Ratchet and Wheeljack turned their helms in the direction on the sounds and realized that one was coming from one room and the other was coming from the room right across from it. They had a moment of confusion while they tried to figure out why there was crying until they remembered that Skydive and First Aid didn't do so well with change.

"I'll take the Protectobots, you take the Aerialbots," said Wheeljack, walking towards the room on the right. Ratchet nodded and proceeded to the one on the left.


What Wheeljack saw when he entered the room made his spark shatter. First Aid was sitting on a berth with his back up against the wall. He was rocking back and forth, his brothers surrounding him and giving him worried looks. He assumed that they were talking through their bond because First Aid seemed to slowly be calming down, and the others were too silent. He debated stepping out of the room when Groove, who was looking around anxiously, saw him. A few moments later, he beckoned Wheeljack to join them. Groove didn't say a word, but that was fine by him because, in all honesty, he preferred it. He also must have mentioned something in the bond because soon all the others' helms (including First Aid) turned to look at him.

"I just wanted to see if everything was alright in here. Ratchet went to go check on the others. So... is everything alright?" questioned Wheeljack a bit uncertainly.

"E-everything s-should b-be fine now. First A-aid was just s-scared because we're i-in a n-new place," replied Blades, stuttering a bit every now and then.

"Alright, that's good to hear. What about the rest of you?"

Streetwise answered this time. "We're fine. Great, actually. Thank you so much, we really appreciate this; First Aid and Hot Spot especially because now they don't have to worry about bumping into as many people!" Wheeljack found it cute how they all seemed to look out for each other, special needs or no special needs, these younglings would be by each other's sides no matter what.

"That's good to hear. So do you think that you'll all be able to recharge okay?" All the younglings present, except First Aid, nodded. Hot Spot looked in his general direction and told him that First Aid didn't want to recharge just yet. He explained that his brother never went into recharge until he did a very specific routine, but since they moved out of the orphanage, he couldn't quite do it. It also didn't help that he had to relearn where everything was. Wheeljack simply said that he'd speak to Ratchet about it and that First Aid, and the others, could follow his past routine to the best of his ability if it made him feel better.


Meanwhile, Ratchet was checking in with the Aerialbots. He had managed to help them calm down Skydive pretty easily and proceeded to ask them if they needed anything else. Skydive spoke up and told him that he was fine, but 'First Aid might require some assistance, so you should go check on him' before being reassured by Ratchet that Wheeljack was with the Protectobots and that if he needed help, Wheeljack would call him over. Skydive wasn't to sure about that, but he was starting to trust Ratchet and Wheeljack more and more as time went by. They actually asked them if there was any way to help while at the orphanage everyone except Arcee told them to just deal with it. Being adopted was the best thing that ever happened to them.

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