The corners of Lani's mouth pulled down into a frown, "Hallie," she said slowly as she shook her head.

"It really wasn't a big deal, if anything, it was my fault. I wasn't clear, he didn't know what I meant." I further defended him as Lani gave me a look.

"Hallie-" She started.

"Please Lani, can we just drop it? You weren't there okay? You don't know what happened." I asked her in a pleading tone.

"Fine," she replied to appease me, "But just know, that what happened yesterday wasn't your fault, and maybe it didn't feel right because it wasn't the right person."

Though I was glad she agreed to drop it, her last comment got me thinking, and it stayed in my mind as she changed the subject, asking if I wanted to watch an episode of Criminal Minds and then go get burgers from the BurgerShack.

I had known Mitchell forever, and I had liked him for just about as long. Even in the past few years when I hadn't had any contact with him, a part of me never forgot him, and that was how I knew that Lani was wrong, Mitchell was the right person me.


"What's up, Leo?" I asked cheerily as we walked up to the BurgerShack. He looked at me, grumbled something under his breath, and rolled his eyes.

"Hallie Johnson, been a while." He replied with a smirk hidden behind his frown.

"Far too long." I replied grinning.

Lani and I gave him our orders and walked to the picnic tables adjacent to the shack. It was super hot and super humid, but the food was worth it.

"I was on guard yesterday and this group or pre-pubescent boys would not stop staring at me." Lani complained, dragging a fry through her ketchup, "God, it was so annoying. They kept coming up to ask me for sunscreen, or vinegar spray for their 'jellyfish stings', it was gross."

"Hey, it's better than the old divorced men that come to the beach specifically to hit on the teenage guards." I replied back, "I had one of those yesterday."

"How'd Mitchell deal with that," Lani asked with a snort.

"He told him to go away," I replied with a laugh.

"Well, as creepy as the old men are, at least they have the decency to not stare right at your boobs while they talk to you or talk about your 'nice rack' within hearing distance." Lani concluded, sighing and dropping her fry into the ketchup.

I felt my phone vibrate on my back pocket, and I pulled it out to see a text from Mitchell.

'date tonight? pick u up @ 7?'

A smile spread across my face as I typed my response.

'sure. can't wait ;)'

'dress nice'

When I turned my attention back to Lani, she was looking at me expectantly. "Mitchell asked if I wanted to go on a date tonight, he said to dress nice."

"Ooooh perfect. You can borrow something of mine." She replied with a smile.

"Are you sure?" I asked her hesitantly.

"100%," she replied, "I have so much stuff from my preppy days that I don't wear anymore, you're welcome to have any of it actually." She told me with a shrug.

"Aww, thanks Lani." I replied with a genuine smile.

We said goodbye to Leo and then headed back to Lani's place to begin getting me ready for Mitchell and my date.

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