Chapter 6 - Boyfriend

Start from the beginning

He sighed and pulled his hand back.

"Once we catch Tri, I go into witness protection right away?"


"So I'm someone else and I don't see you anymore?"

"Not unless it's official police business. For your protection... It's already dangerous to leave you in the same city." He didn't say anything to that. "Kanto?" She played with his hair a bit. She'd grown to love doing that.

"I did all of this for a better life." He reached out to stroke her cheek. "But Toph, it's not going to be a better life without you."

And what the fuck was she supposed to say to that?


Week 49

When Toph entered, Kanto was in the kitchen by the sink.

"You know, you're welcome to soak this stuff when you're done."

He was, apparently, doing dishes.

"C'mere, I have a surprise for you." She plopped the massive folder onto the table before bending her armor off.

Kanto stopped at the door out of the kitchen.

"Oh, a different kind of surprise." He did his zipper back up.

"How would that be a surprise?" She smirked, then shoved the folder across the table where he stopped it.

"What's all this then?"

She took a deep breath, she needed it.

"I couldn't stop thinking about what you said. About seeing me after the deal is over."

"Forget about that, I was just... Just wishful thinking, that's all."

"What if we did it?"

"Continued dating after I'm in witness protection?" He didn't sound pleased. "I thought there was nothing we could do about that."

"There was a time people thought there was nothing an earthbender could do to get out of a metal box. But then I happened." She paused for effect. "So I read some laws..."

"You read?"

"I got a secretary to do it. I had her read me a whole lot of random shit too, to hide my intentions, so it took for-fucking-ever."

"I can imagine, and I'm touched since I know what passionate hatred you have for the law. But-"

"Let me finish. It turns out, there's more than one way to do witness protection. Since my police force only has jurisdiction in Republic City, a lot of people choose to just get their new documents and a little bit of money from us before going out on their own to hide outside the city, usually in the Earth Kingdom. What's important is, the Republic City Police is no longer responsible for them in any way after they leave."

"And you didn't know this, being the Chief and all?"

"Okay, Judgy, do I criticize how you do your lying, sneaking around and general law-breaking?"

"Almost constantly, but I get your point."

"My idea is, we go with that option for you and Ling. That way there's no one keeping tabs on you. The only ones who'll need to know who you used to be are a few lawyers and me."

"And the officers who arrested me. And everyone from any triad I ever came in contact with."

"I thought of that. I'll talk to my guys, tell them it was all pretend, that you were with me. So we have that part settled. As for your guys... Do you know why I never lock my apartment door, Kanto?"

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