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THE RING OF your alarm clock blared, filling your silent room

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THE RING OF your alarm clock blared, filling your silent room. You quickly pressed the snooze button, already getting tired of the sound.

Oh how you wanted to sleep in, but as the captain of Aobajosai's girl volleyball team you knew you had to be up while the sun was still down.

You hop out of bed and go to the bathroom to get ready. You brush your teeth and hair, wash your face, and change into your practice clothes for morning volleyball practice.

You stuff your uniform in your gym bag, and pack up your school bag.

After you finish getting ready, you went to wake up your five year old sister Himari. You walk to her room and gently shake her shoulder. "Mari it's time to wake up."

She groans, "A couple more minutes [Y/n]-nee."

"Okay..." you drag out the word, "but I'm making pancakes and you're gonna miss it." You slowly walk out of the room.

She immediately pops up, jumping out of bed.
"Coming!" You always put her school uniform on top of her drawer at night so she can pick it up and go straight to the bathroom to brush her teeth and change.

She comes out a few minutes later for you to do her hair, and you decide on doing two simple braids for today. Tying the ends with two light purple bands.

Both of you go downstairs and you make some pancakes while she fidgets with the paper dolls your mother brought home from a gift shop in The Philippines.

Your doorbell rings multiple times and you playfully roll your eyes. It could only be one person. You open the door to reveal Seijoh's boys volleyball team captain standing in front of it.

"[Y/n]-chan!" Oikawa says hugging you like he hasn't seen you in years. You almost thought he was going to burst into tears.

You return the hug, patting his back twice. "Hello Tōru." You turned to face Himari. Her eyes shined brightly when they landed on him.

Himari's had a little puppy crush on him since she learned what the word love means. "Kawa!" Himari yells, returning Oikawa's energy without fail.

She runs into his arms and Oikawa picks her up, hugging her too. "Hey Mari-chan what's going on?"

She grins eagerly, "I watched that alien movie you were talking about it's amazing!" Oikawa dramatically gasps and puts Himari down, "No way! You liked it? I knew I raised you well!"

You're sure he didn't mean much by the comment but in a sense, he almost did raise her. Your parents have always mostly been gone for work ever since you were Himari's age. But it wasn't much of a problem because they would just drop you at the Oikawa's and you'd spend most of your time there.

Three months after your 13th birthday, Maiha Himari was born causing a big shift in routine.

Your parents were home for a while on leave which was nice, but the moment Himari turned 1 they deemed you old enough to take care of her. Leaving to go away for work just like before.

So instead of you staying at the Oikawa's place, he came to yours not wanting you to have to take care of Himari alone everyday without company.

You didn't know if Oikawa acted over the top to make Mari happy or if he was actually genuine but quite frankly, you didn't care.

Oikawa and his theatrics made Mari happy (and you too, not that he needed to know that.)

Mari drags him to the dining table, with as much strength a five year old girl could, and they start rambling about aliens. You serve all of you guys pancakes, Oikawa's with strawberries and syrup and Mari's with jam and whipped cream.

"Thanks [Y/n]!" They both say in unison. You smile in return.

They chatted until Mari's bus arrived. You grabbed her bag and put in over her shoulder.

You said your goodbyes as she walked out the door.

You watched from the window as the bus came to pick her up, making sure she got on it safe.

You and Oikawa then got your own stuff ready to go. "Ready to go?" You ask Oikawa. "Aye aye captain!" He says giving you a salute. You chuckle, already out the door to go pick up Iwaizumi.

Looks like you were right on time cause he was walking down his stairs right when you arrived at his house.

You blushed slightly. Iwaizumi looked very charming today. Who are you kidding he looked nice everyday.

"Hi Iwaizumi." You say quieter than normal. "Hey Ma-" he cleared his throat, correcting himself " [Y/n]."

You stand there a few seconds in awkward silence. Simply staring at each other and smiling.

Oikawa looks from you to Iwaizumi back to you and so on.

He hums suspiciously, "Did something happen yesterday while I was gone? Are you two secretly engaged and didn't tell me?" He says wiggling his eyebrows.

"Shut it kusokawa!" Iwaizumi shouts, slapping Oikawa on the head. You kicked Oikawa in the shin, fake scowling. You weren't actually mad, just wanted to get in a good laugh.

"Man you guys really are meant for each other." He mumbled holding his shin and rubbing his head. With that you all walked to school for morning practice.

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