•What They Fight With You Over•

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Majority of your couple's fights have been when he does something dumb on a dare, which would mostly be him having to go get a girl's number. A good portion of the time its him trying to get it for one of the other boys, but for some reason he can't logically word that in his explanation without sounding like a cheating bastard. His argument in the fights is always that you never understand what he's saying, and yours is the obvious of him being a cheater. Eventually, he gives up trying to defend himself from the side argument, and will then rat out the friend that he was getting the number for to explain why he was asking a random girl for her number.


In Dante's previous relationships, he was either dating a dumb girl who would never notice if he flirted with other girls, or he dated girls that were okay with some flirting. Coming into a relationship with you, and all of a sudden being expected to stay loyal was a big jump for him. Sometimes it's okay for some harmless flirting with friends who you know aren't risky, but there are times when Dante slips up and goes a bit too far for anyone's liking. After these occasions, the same argument happens and the same phrases get thrown around.
"It's just new to me!" or "I've never been in a relationship this serious!" or even "It was just an accident!" are constantly thrown around. The fight inevitably calms down after you make him understand that if he wants to stay in a relationship with you, or even just simply keeping you in his life, he needs to understand that these types of things just can't happen.
(Also please note that this seems like quite a toxic relationship. I tried to make it seem less horrific, but what Dante is hypothetically doing here is an extremely toxic part of a relationship.)


Sometimes, major arguments start by friendly name-calling, but then one of you will go a bit too far, and a huge fight breaks out. There is always screaming. And unfortunately, the fights usually escalate whenever you bring up his past, and the stuff he did, specifically high school. The shouting inevitably calms down and both of you will just need to sit away from each other, but it is still relatively important that you stay in the same room. It forces you both to acknowledge the other person, while also being able to see what your words did to the other person. After a while of thinking by yourselves, one of you will apologise.


Blaze is too fun-loving and relaxed for fights. Even fairly serious arguments will not be taken seriously. This may seem like a problem on his behalf, but his laugh is infectious, and even if you are yelling like hell, it will very quickly calm down because of a simple smile from him.


Miscommunication. Sometimes Zenix doesn't word things correctly, so a lot of the time it's either of you getting frustrated with the other about something not happening properly. Usually it's a task that Xenix asks you to do, for example, packing for a car trip. He won't properly specify which snacks he wants, so you will pack the wrong kind, and halfway through the trip, he realises its the wrong kind, and will start yelling becuz hes pressed that he doesn't have the snack he asked you for. Then you will yell back and say it was, and only many many minutes later will you realise that there was just some miscommunication. There's not really any apologies, more so just awkward and guilty head nods.


Are you kidding? The day this boy gets into an argument with any significant other is the day I die (and I am immortal until proven otherwise). It is physically impossible for this sweet boy to be in an argument with a significant other about anything besides something minuscule, like 'not cleaning up a puddle of water from spilled water' or 'not doing the dishes'. It's just impossible.


Xavier's entire spy/security career is founded on the basis of him being a good manipulator and good liar. When he got into a relationship with you, he vowed to not use any of that stuff on you, but you can't stop second nature, so there are obviously instances where he will use them on instinct. For example, getting out of doing a chore by bringing up any past situations where you didn't listen to him, or something you said that could be used against you in any way. This usually catches you off guard, and causes you to yell at him. He will then realise what he did, but has too much pride to admit when he's made a mistake, so he usually tried covering it up by arguing too. The fight will only stop when he's satisfied with how much he's argued and will apologise.


Arguments break out all the time, mostly with yourself yelling at him instead of him fighting back, due to his calm nature. It is almost always about him leaving on trips across the world, and not always being able to bring you with, or sometimes not even want you to come with. Vlyad constantly wants time to himself, but in bulk, it causes a horrible reaction. You often need to remind him that he needs to still treat you like his girlfriend, and not like his acquaintance that he should just be able to leave easily. He never responds to the yelling, and even though his behaviour changes for a bit after a major argument, it will eventually go back to the way it was, and the cycle will continue.


Fights between Toby and you usually start by you bringing up how dangerous his job is. These arguments have collectively brought up many issues with your relationships in regards to his job, such as what were to happen to you if he died on a mission, or if you guys ever wanted to have a family...what would happen with having kids with a father who is always away? Unfortunately, the fights just cool down, but never get answered.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2021 ⏰

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