•What They Fight With You Over•

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So, I may or may not have had the times that the bois got angry in my mind when deciding what these situations would be.

Also this was requested by pastelMangos all the way back on the 26 of June 2020. I am SO SO sorry its this late (quite literally 8 months later) but I have not had enough to motivation to publish.


It honestly depends on the day, because when Aaron is in a frustrated mood, he will argue with you about anything and everything. Whenever you are being silly or goofy, he will get really upset with you and sometimes scream in frustration or just brush you off and ignore you. Whenever he does this, you take the hint that you need to give him space to cool off. However, some days, when you might be having a bad day and try to lighten your mood by acting silly or telling a joke, and given the unfortunate chance that he is in one of those moods, all hell breaks loose. These fights don't happen often, but when they do, it is the most ungodly of screaming matches. He gets frustrated with you, you don't have the patience for his behaviour and shout back, he gets mad at you for shouting at him and retaliates. Things will only calm down when one of you gives up and leaves to get some fresh air.


He will argue with you about opinions. Not any major opinions, like political opinions and controversial opinions, but more so like which flavour of icing is the best on cupcakes, or which type of cookies are the best tasting. You argue with him about it for laughs, but he is INCREDIBLY passionate about these types of things. You will only get into a serious argument when he, in a state of rage, or says something to offend you personally in retaliation.


Garroth is not really the serious type, so something major would have to happen for him to get angry, let alone get into a fight with you. But alas, no one is perfect.
The only time he will ever get into an argument with you is on two separate occasions.
One, someone tries to either hit on you or insult you. Garroth stands up for you. You might get angry. You say you can stand up for yourself. He goes on saying that he's just looking out for you. Chaos ensues. Yada yada yada.
Or two, either you or he does something incredibly stupid and risk getting hurt. If he does the stupid thing, you yell at him, he retaliates, and a fight happens. And if you do the stupid thing, vice versa.


At the beginning of your relationship, his man would bicker with you about any tiny thing that is misplaced, done incorrectly or isn't to his satisfaction. Over the time that he has known you, however, he has softened a bit and learned to suppress his anger. Although, that also means that when something happens, either you doing something or you getting mad at him for doing something, he will explode. All the buried anger that he might have been keeping from everywhere from 1 day to 1 year will erupt, and in that situation, the only way to end the argument is for you to get away from him, allow him to have some time alone, or let him vent to you about his frustrations.


Ein is someone who can't subconsciously create a line between what he finds worthy of an argument or not. He might, one day, be okay with something that is said or done that could be harsh. But the next day, will blow up over something minuscule. You also try not to get into arguments with him for the sole reason that his defense in any argument is to highlight any flaw in personality or character. However, say he does get into an argument with you and does this, the best thing to calm the situation is to make him stop what he is saying by interrupting him, make him realise what he is saying, and then leave so he has time to think about what he has said. This both lowers the chance of a nasty breakup, and it makes him realise that he has to think about what he says. (Please keep this in mind in case anyone ever speaks to you like this. None of you deserve to be treated like this. YOU ARE INCREDIBLE AND I LOVE YOU!)

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Feb 26, 2021 ⏰

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