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Sorry for the delay, I've been busy with some personal stuff.

And MysticMessenger *cough*:'>

[you have no proof that I ship 707 x Yoosung and Zen x Jumin, shush]

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No one's p.o.v


Chuuya made it home and slammed the door shut. He fell into a lying position and kept his grip on his shirt. He didn't understand why he got so worked up over what Dazai had said and did. Chuuya could've easily just pushed the other away and yelled at him, but he didn't.

He looked back at Chuuya and leaned over a bit too close, "Is it because you like me now?~", He teased in a bit seductive tone in his voice.

Chuuya's grip tightened on his shirt as he remembered the moment. His face was to the side, looking at the wall that was next to his bed. Chuuya's eyes were closed and his head imagined something else. His face was extremely red and was a bit scrunched up.

He didn't know why he was acting this way, and he found it stupid. He was getting so worked up over something dumb like this. Then Chuuya thought of something. Is this why he couldn't be mean to Dazai? Did he actually like Dazai now? His mind we're clouded with these kinds of thoughts before he sat up, "No!" he yelled. Chuuya couldn't possibly like that dumb...dumb... That guy.

Chuuya took a few deep breaths before closing his eyes, going back to the lying position. He opened his eyes and thought about it. He's a traitor of the port mafia... He means nothing to him.

He really wishes it had been a one-time thing. One of the moments where he wasn't feeling himself. But it didn't seem like it this time. This time was because of some dumb reason, and maybe Dazai was right. Chuuya closed his eyes and sighed deeply. It just didn't feel right, it really didn't.

Chuuya turned to lay on his side, his grip going off his shirt and onto the sheets. Maybe Dazai was right, maybe Chuuya does like him. He groaned and his grip got tighter. Dazai always did things like this to Chuuya, he always messed around with Chuuya's feelings, always messed around Chuuya's beliefs, always messed... With Chuuya and only Chuuya. Of course, he messed with other people as well, but never like this.

Is it because Dazai was experimenting with what would happen if he did these things to the person he hated the most? Chuuya hated Dazai. Chuuya hated that Dazai always did these things to him. Chuuya hated how Dazai still managed to tease him even if he wasn't even there. He just didn't understand, at all. He just hated everything about Dazai, except... Dazai himself.

Chuuya just couldn't understand at this moment. He needed sleep. He needed rest so he could work normally the next day. No thoughts about Dazai. Dazai was wrong on how Chuuya felt. Chuuya didn't care about Dazai's existence, and Dazai didn't care about his. That's how it always is, and how it will forever be.

It'll be different the next day. Chuuya won't have any problems, at all.

Chuuya's grip loosened up on the sheets as he managed to get calm enough to go to sleep.

With Dazai


Dazai saw Chuuya run out of the bar after he had teased him. He chuckled a bit before turning around to the bartender. He swirled the cup of alcohol a bit as he looked down at it. He chuckled at the memory of Chuuya's flustered face. He hadn't seen that in a while.

After a while, Dazai left the bar and walked around the city. He had his hands in his pockets as he looked around. He wondered what Chuuya was doing, 'probably cussing me out for making him so embarrassed~~', he grinned as he thought of what Chuuya was doing, which was accurate to what he was actually doing.

Dazai went to his apartment and sat down on his bed. He stretched and looked out the balcony window. He yawned and fell into a lying position. He got under the sheets and looked to the side. He got a picture from a desk that was next to his bed and looked at it. The picture was something Dazai took when he was in the port mafia before he left.

The picture was on the night before Christmas, Dazai, and Chuuya were in Christmas kind of clothes, decorating a Christmas tree while watching Christmas movies. It was a fun day, it was the first time he actually saw Chuuya genuinely smile around Dazai. Dazai smiled softly as he looked at the picture. It seemed kind of dumb-looking at it now, but it definitely a day that Dazai enjoyed.

Dazai yawned as he put the picture down and turned around to look at the wall. He closed his eyes to fall asleep. He couldn't wait to see what would happen the next day, so he decided to sleep early this day. It was certainly getting interesting.

In the Morning, With Chuuya


Chuuya groaned as he woke up. He was not feeling himself today either, possibly extra today. He covered his head with his blankets as he noticed how light it was outside. He forgot to close the curtains last night due to everything that was happening. He didn't feel like moving, and most certainly he didn't feel like getting up. He grunted as he heard his ringtone play over and over again. His phone was right next to his ear and it kept ringing in his head.

After a couple of moments, he got completely annoyed and pressed the snooze button. Of course, he meant the turn off button, but he wasn't looking. He closed his eyes again to get more rest, but only a few moments later the ringing started again. He just decided to get up and finally turn it off. He groaned as he sat up, he held his head as he stood up.

Chuuya did all the usual stuff, he went to take a shower, changed into his usual clothing, brushing his hair and teeth then walking out the door. His head still hurt but he decided to ignore the pain. He locked the door before walking out and going outside and walking to the port mafia HQ.

He didn't mind how people were looking at him, seeing how odd he looked from the rest of society. He didn't mind it until the more people that looked at him the more his head hurt. He was probably just having a rough day, having to hear Dazai's voice more often than usual.

Chuuya took a deep breath as he walked into the building. It was a bit louder than usual, he didn't know why, but it made his headache hurt even more. He decided to just go to the room where Mori-San and Kouyou, and possibly Elise, were in. Chuuya took a deep breath as he could his hand off his head and looked at the three.

Though, the third person was not Elise.


Word count- 1189

Characters- 6555

Characters [excluding spaces]- 5314

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