She traced her bruised arms upwards until her hand landed on the device in her neck.

She heard the doctors once that the device was designed by a genius that's around her age. If the circumstances was any different, she would say she was impressed.

She then began to imagine what it was like to be outside again. Without the flare and all the destruction. It's what was still keeping her sane in that annoying white room.

Her mind went back to the days that the cruel world hasn't yet touched her skin. She thought back when her mother was still alive. And when her father was still her father, before he entirely succumbed to madness.

Through all the years that she's been locked up, Jane thinks she's gradually losing herself.

Like father, like daughter, I guess. She thought.

She and her father were never close.

It was always her mother who she adored.
She was told that she looked exactly like her and she was so happy about it. She used to wish to be like her mom when she grows up. An eloquent woman with a tender majesty.

Martha was beautiful. Merciful. And resilient.

I guess we have only one thing in common then. We're both resilient.
Jane thought to herself.

The corners of her lips twitched upwards despite her whole body that was aching and bruised. Her ruby eyes became even more evident as a black eye surrounded it.

She was bored as hell. And she was thirsty as well.


SHE GASPED AWAKE. She was met with the plain white ceiling as she just woke up from another nightmare.

Her throat was dry and her stomach was empty. Her eyes landed on the scattered food on the floor and rolled her eyes as her stomach grumbled.

I shouldn't have done that. Now I'm fucking hungry. She thought.

She heard a booming laughter on the other side of the door. Her feet just guided her to the sealed door as her fists banged against it. "Hey! I want my fucking food!"

"Shut it, freak!" She heard someone say from the other side of the door.

Her fists balled up as she scowled, "Fuck you!" she shouted as she punched the metallic door. Her knuckles became red as they began to bleed again.

The man only responded with a guffaw, but there were also echoes so she concluded that he wasn't alone.

Her red knuckles collided with the sealed door once again. She hissed in pain before she plopped back down to her bed.

She didn't cry.
She was used to it.
She swore that she will never cry again for something or for someone.

She only cares about herself. And no one else.

She heard her stomach grumble once again as her eyes fluttered shut but then she heard the door of the white room swung open.

Her crimson red eyes narrowed to the Chancellor who just casually sauntered inside the chamber.

"Hello, Ms. Bertrand. I see you have grown." She started and Jane just rolled her eyes as she scoffed. This was the first time in years she had seen the woman again, and it's been a while since she was called by her name.

"Come to gloat?"

The blonde woman disregarded her remark as she expands, "How are you?" she eyed the beaten girl up and down.

"What the hell do you think?" Jane spat. "Like shit, of course."

Before the blonde woman could speak, Jane opened her mouth once again. "I almost forgot you even existed. You never visited. Did you want to forget me too? You're hurting my feelings."

The Chancellor heavily sighed as her eyes never shifted away from the petite girl. She cleared her throat as she decided to ignore what the girl said once again, "You will be transferred to the infirmary for the doctors to treat your injuries. I sincerely apologize that you'll have to go through this."

"I don't need shit. And I don't need your apology." Jane stood up as her jaw and fists clenched. "If you're really sorry go talk to those fuckers. And what I need is food and water."

"Ms. Bertrand, you need to control yourself. We are only protecting you."

Jane scoffed. Protect my ass.

Control herself?
Her brows furrowed, deep in thought as her red eyes snapped up to the woman.

This was her opportunity.

From all the years she has been isolated, she was waiting for someone she could make a deal with. All of the people that were sent to her was either Janson or other preposterous guards (who ended up taunting her or beating her up)

So, she won't waste her chance now.

That's all she ever wanted from them. So that she could destroy them and run away like hell.

She just wants everyone who wronged her to pay.

Ava and Jane were thinking of different things.

Ava Paige wanted her to be obedient and become their puppet. While Jane wanted to be able to keep her abilities under control and use it against them.

Jane's tough exterior was replaced by a feigned pleading semblance. She wanted to make it plausible as possible and the blonde did fall for it.

"I... I don't know how to control myself. I want to but I can't. It's just... I feel every part of my body burn and it makes me so angry.... all the time." Her eyes began to water with false tears as her voice trembled in feigned fear. Though there was no lie in what she said.

Ava Paige stared at the girl in pity as she strolled closer.

"I want to but I don't know how to. Please. Teach me and I will do anything you want. Anything."

"Yes... We'll give you a teacher. That's all we've ever wanted, Jane. Your obedience and allegiance." The blonde woman placed her hands gently on the petite girl's shoulder.

"So we have a compromise then?" Jane only nodded with a small smile on her face, her fake warm tears falling down her bruised cheeks.

"Yes." She answered in a whisper.

Ava Paige smiled, "Good. You'll be sent to the infirmary and after that you'll get your dinner. We'll have a discussion tomorrow."

The red eyed girl nodded before the blonde woman sauntered out of the room. She heard the door clicked, meaning it was once again locked.

Jane stood still, a mischevious glint in her crimson red eyes. The corner of her chapped blue lips twitched upward into a smirk.

She was a prey.
But the people who wronged her are the ones that needs to pray.
She grew up and learned better.
And now she has become the hunter.

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