Chapter 3: The Cirque Continues and I fall in Love

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PLEASE, people! I have one fan out there! Someone please like my books!!!!! (I sad)

After the wolf man, a woman named Gertha Teeth came up. She could do all sorts of cool stuff with her teeth like bite through metal and her teeth wouldn't break. But she couldn't actually EAT the same stuff she could chew unlike the next freak that came up. Rhammus Two Bellies could eat anything. I mean ANYTHING! He ate screws, bolts, plates, cloth, you name it! Next was a strange man named Mr. Crepsley and his spider Madam Octa. When he saw the spider, the boy next to me started gaping at the scene before us. His eyes got wide and his jaw dropped farther each time the spider performed a trick (if thats even possible). While the cute brunet was staring at the spider, his blonde friend was staring at Mr. Crepsely with a pale face. What was up with him? Many more acts came along like Seive and Seersa the Twisting Twins who were contortionists, Alexander Ribs who was the skinniest man I've ever seen and then Hans Hands who could walk on his hands faster than a man could run. Mr. Tall came out and said the show was over. I headed on over to the exit when a snake slithered out on to the ground. Many people shrieked or fainted but I just stood there. I LOVE snakes! I loved them almost as much as wolves..... and dogs.... and cats...... so, they were basically fourth place, but you get what I mean. Then a boy about my age with scales of yellow, green and brown came out with slanted pupils, like a snakes. He had stringy green hair and a grey beanie. The snake wrapped around him and did loops and twists. Then Mr. Tall came back out and told everyone they the show was REALLY over this time. When I walked out, the cute brunet came over to me. "Hi, I'm Darren. What was up with the whole wolf charmer thing?" I smiled and answered shyly. "I can do.... stuff with wolves. They like me and I can kinda turn into one...." I breathed out heavily and flinched. Would he hate me or call some asylum for their next prisoner? His reaction was the exact opposite and his face lit up. "Really?! Thats so cool! You have to show me!" I smiled. "You sure? I've never... gone wolf with anyone watching....." His smile grew even wider. "Don't worry, I'll be fine, promise." Don't make promises you can't keep I thought. I closed my eyes and let the ripples fly over me. My smooth transition made me in seconds, a giant wolf. My wolf had black fur with deep purple eyes. *So, do you like it?* I asked Darren inside my head. His eyes grew wide and then chortled. "Wow. That. Was. AWESOME!!" He knelt down on his knees and stared into my eyes while I stared back at his brilliant blue ones. See,, when I'm in wolf form, I can hear the minds of those around me. Darren's mind was coated with a fantasy of me and him as a couple. *I'm in love....* he breathed inside his head. Suddenly, even though we'd only just met, I felt the same way........

I know I've put in some Twilight-y stuff and there will be more so, the characters belong to Stephanie Meyer and soooooo yea! Fan, message, comment, vote, PLEASE!!!!

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