Chapter 13: Hidden

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I know I haven't written for a while, but please, I DON'T WANNA DIE YOUNG! I WANNA LIVE WHILE I'M YOUNG, NOT DIE YOUNG!!!! (See what I did there, eh, eh, no? Okay :() ANNNYYYWWWAAAYYY, I want to thank everyone who has commented, voted and read this, commenters, I'm fanning you right after I right this. Also, I made a special promise to a super special commenter and I want them to know that I will totally do it! And I'm gonna start in this chapter! I want to thank Avephid, Cinderteller and akarithia for getting my lazy butt back to work!! Thanks for your comments!!!!


~ Darren's Pov ~

When I pounced, my forehead accidentally brushed hers. "D-D-DARREN?!" She whimpered. I looked up, and that's when I saw her face. Her beautiful, perfect, symmetrical face. She had eyes that flashed from a deep, cerulean blue to meditative, soft purple. Her black, feathery hair was styled in a wind-swept look. She was the type of girl who was beyond beautiful, but believed the exact opposite. She was wearing a 3-quarter length sleeved shirt with THE BEATLES written on it with an apple underneath. (BEATLEMANIAC ALL THE WAY YO!!!!) She had grey jeans, a striped beanie, hipster glasses and black boots.

Why? Why did the world friggin' hate me? Why? Oh, cruel, cruel world? WHY?! I loved Jane,but this girl...... she made my stomach churn.....

I suddenly remembered.... EVERYTHING. Everything before being a vampire. I remembered this girl, this stunning girl, KISSED ME. I knew then that I couldn't kill her. I also knew that eventually, if I didn't leave now, I would end up killing her. So I did the one, most heartbreaking, tear forming, depressing thing I could ever think of. I left.

I've realized how short my updates are and you must want to kill me! I'm soooorrrrrrryyy!!!!

Like the first time (a Darren Shan love story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz