Ting hao or Ruo Bai

Start from the beginning

And they spent their time talking to each other. Ting hao was smiling and laughing alot while talking to her. So that he can hide his pain. After that he went inside his room. He was really very restless and couldn't even sit quietly for a while. This restlessness was disturbing him alot. He threw all the things here and there in his room. But then he decided to meet someone who can calm his mind. It was not Baicao but his mother.

At hospital

Ting hao- Mum, I am not feeling good at all

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Ting hao- Mum, I am not feeling good at all. Even if I try to recover. I am failing miserably. I never felt like this. This feeling is not good.

And he put his hand on his mother's hand

And tears started coming from his eyes, his voice was reflecting that how much hurt he was

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And tears started coming from his eyes, his voice was reflecting that how much hurt he was. He never cried like this before. He cried for a long time and then fallen asleep. When he woke up his eyes were red because of crying alot. He didn't wanted to go anywhere but the visiting time of the hospital was over. He then got a call from ting yi who wanted him to see the decorations for the party. He was wandering on the streets aimlessly.

Ting hao(still having tears in his eyes)- Oh god! Why you gave so difficult life to me? Baicao you're really bad I want to hate you but I can't. Why is this happening to me??

At songbai hall
Baicao was sitting and thinking about Is she doing correct when suddenly Ruo Bai came.
Ruo bai- I know why you're thinking so much.
Baicao- I am not sure that....
Ruo bai- that whether you love me or not right.
Baicao- Yes, Ruo Bai do you love me??
Ruo bai- who love you is not important but whom do you love is important. I am not forcing you to choose me only as you have your own life.

After that Ruo Bai leaves from there, leaving Baicao completely confused. On the other hand, Ting hao reached his house and got ready also. But he was truly disheartened.

After an hour everyone started coming at the party. Ting hao was not having any interest in the party instead he was busy looking at Baicao. All of the them danced and as decided Ruo Bai and Baicao also danced. And then Ting yi came with her partner in dance.. it was Chang an.

Ting hao(with a fake smile just to hide his pain)- You and Chang an are dancing together.ok now I got to know that how you know the conversation between me and Chang an.
Ting yi- Why can't we dance together? We're friends now.

When Baicao was dancing with Ruo bai.

Ting hao was seeing everything and his love for Baicao was killing him from inside.

And then xiaoying went to Baicao,

Xiaoying- Are you ready to announce?
Baicao- No...
Xiaoying- What no you need to go on stage and reveal whom do you love and you will.

Xiaoying went on the stage and announces
Xiaoying- Hello everyone I just want to reveal something(and she takes deep breathe) that I really love yi feng. Yi feng, will you accept my proposal please don't say no and if you'll not then see what I will do. I will punch in your face. Please don't say no.
Yi feng(gets on the stage)- of course I don't..... How can I say that I really love you(and he kisses her on her forehead)

And both of them hugged each other. They were really very happy as from the beginning no matter what happens Both of them were together. Xiaoying was happy but nervous to know whom will Baicao choose

Xiaoying- Just listen to your heart and say....
Now it was Baicao turn. Seeing Baicao going on the stage Ting hao's heart started beating very fast. His eyes were full of tears. Ruo Bai was looking at Baicao and was waiting for her answer.

Baicao(too nervous and even confused)- Actually the one whom I love is......

And she fumbles, she closes her eyes and put her hand on her heart and took deep breath.

Baicao- I love....(wait for the next part

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