"Meet me at the Rodeo Station

Apgujeong Rodeo Station

I'll see you there, Rodeo.

My friends keep asking me

So where are you now?

Just for one day, take a photo then come back

When the hell are you going to sleep?

Send photos to the group chat"

Now i know it was easier to just ask him but back then things were not as clear as they are now. We were young and inexperienced, it felt like the end of the world but it was far from it. We still have so much to live. I didn't realize the reward was higher than the risk. Oh, his food was made with so much care for me, he smiled just for me, he told me he was thankful for me as his friend, he called me every morning and every night,

Oh darling your face in the sun, waiting in Apgujeong Station for the bus after dance practice, the light gave your skin such a beautiful glow, I asked you each night, "Do you want to go eat with me?"I held your hand each time we crossed the street, I held into you and hoped you didn't want to let go either but i never knew for sure. I wasn't honest and now I regret it, I should have asked you how you felt. I should have held you until you let go, I should have told you how beautiful you looked when you smiled, I should have asked you.

"Please, go on a date with me."

"Can i kiss you?"

"Please let me sweep you off your feet, let me love you, let me be your boyfriend."

"I saw you there

Now you're wearing a tuxedo instead of a school uniform

Soak it with beer, yeah

I work every minute, I love that earned that

Every day is my Birthday Monday to Sunday

Go to space Or go down to the bottom

How would I know?

You only live your life once"

I can't go back, now that you're not by my side i realize i can't live like this, i have overthink it so much, but i can't change the past, i can only live the now and i can only say i'm so sorry i confused you, i'm so sorry i wasn't honest with you or myself, i'm so sorry i was held back by our promised fame, by my fear, by the standards. Every time I write a song and I have to write about her when I'm thinking about you it breaks my heart. I want to scream to you how much I love you. I want to grab your hand and sing to you properly, call you by your name in my songs about love because you were the one that teached me it, I want to be able to hold you again once more like I did that day at the Apgujeong Station but I'm afraid it is too late to reclaim my love. Do you have someone else? Do you still hold me that close to your heart? Would you believe in me anymore? I'm still a kid after all, I haven't learned anything and I still live in fear, but I'm starting to get tired. Oh honey my love please. I just want to say I love you but my throat it's drowning in tears each time I think about you.

"New tour, new car

A new album and a Trophy

My TMI will be the main portal tomorrow

In the poster that was attached to my room

I spend my day like the main characters"

Maybe it's selfish of me to want you when i have anything else i could ever wish for, but fame and money cannot compare to our love. I'm so grateful that you are still my friend even after my gross mistakes, even when I played with you like that, it was so long ago but I hope you can forgive me with this song. I hope you like it because it's all about you. The feelings i have for you are universal, you also live with everything you have ever wished for so i can only ask you humbly to have pity on me, that you meet me once again in the Apgujeong Station because i want once more again to give you my heart, if you understand me still, if you love me still i only can hope for your forgiveness but i can understand it's now too late.

Meet me at Apgujeong StationWhere stories live. Discover now