Interviews (Oikawa)

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Warnings: Swearing

Word Count: 5,090 words

Notes: I lowkey miss writing for my old school's newspaper, so I made this. The volleyball teams mentioned are real teams. This is my first time ever writing for Oikawa, so it trash. Also, it has manga spoilers but they're not really spoilers. It's Oikawa explaining why he started playing. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy.

EDITED: 10/2/2021


People avoided going to the Newspaper Club because of its "dictator editor" L/N L/N. This didn't stop anyone from reading it though, because it had changed since he had been made editor. The stories were voted on and always extremely well written, and the format had been changed to a magazine style. It had expanded into something completely different. He listened to his schoolmates unlike the editors over the years.

"Everyone wants to see an article about the boys' volleyball team, L/N-senpai,'' Sakura, a first year student who wrote for lifestyle, said and she put the poll down on his desk. He glanced at it before his face fell into his hands.

"I'll have to interview that brat Oikawa," L/N groaned, and Sakura didn't understand the problem. "He's the absolute worst at interviews. Or maybe he just gets shitty questions."

Masaru, head of the editorial section, walked over and motioned Sakura to move away from the desk. She quickly walked back over to her desk to get back to work. L/N knew Masaru would understand, because in a journalistic perspective, Oikawa was annoying to deal with.

"What if I only interview Iwaizumi?" L/N asked, and he looked up at Masaru with glimmering eyes before he dropped his face again. "But Oikawa would just complain that he's being cheated or something."

"L/N, you could always just have someone else write the story," Masaru said, and L/N screamed into his hands. Everyone looked over at them before realizing it was just L/N having one of his breakdowns.

"I'm the sportswriter, so it has to be me." L/N looked up at Masaru. "Also, I'm the only one who understands volleyball shit in here."

"Oh yeah, your older brother played volleyball, right?" Masaru asked, and L/N looked at the poll on his desk. Masaru didn't know why he thought L/N would answer his question.

L/N placed the right side of his face on the side of the desk, looking up at Masaru. Seijoh's newspaper editor was pretty and if he weren't so aggressive, more people would see it as well. Masaru saw it too much and it got overwhelming at times.

"I'll talk to their coach tomorrow to see if I can go to one of their practices and interview some of them. I'll also have to take photos of them in the photography room," L/N said, and Masaru realized it had been quiet for a couple of minutes. "So, you'll have to hold down the fort, even though everyone works independently."

"Okay." He ran a hand through L/N's hair to calm him down if he needed it. "Get to work now, Mr. Editor. We're all carrying your slack."

"You really piss me off sometimes."


Although Coach Irihata agreed to everything L/N asked, L/N was still faced with how he was supposed to do everything. Sure, he had done the majority of the other sports clubs but this one had Oikawa Oikawa. The guy that had been in magazines before and had way too many fangirls for a high schooler. If L/N even barely messed up, then all of those fangirls would be out to get him.

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