Next to You (Ukai)

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Warnings: Swearing and slight angst

Word Count: 4,922 words

Note: I'm not exactly sure if this is fluff or angst.  Also, it's like slightly edited but I knew if I didn't post it now; I never would.  This from when Keishin Ukai (Now Coach Ukai) was in high school and reader is also in high school.    Okay, I hope you enjoy.

There's a sequel to this.  It's "An Ocean Away" which is posted in this fic.

EDITED: 10/2/2021


Y/N always glided down the court as if he could fly, and everyone always watched him in awe. The way he played was beautiful, because he made everyone else feel so alive that they couldn't help but also want to grow as players. Some even joined volleyball just to watch him. The ace should do that though, he should motivate others to thrive.

"Give it to me, Koichi-san!" Y/N called out, and Koichi set it perfectly to where Y/N seemed to be flying. The ball smashed into the court, no blockers being able to touch it, and Y/N grinned over at Koichi. "Hell yeah!"

Keishin watched from the sideline in awe, like he always did. The boy who flew around the court was something Keishin wished he could have. Whether it be in volleyball or in friendship or possibly even love, he wished he could have him. Y/N's smile was able to brighten up the court and motivate everyone to do their best.

"I wish I could just play in one game so I can know what it's like to play with L/N-san," Takinoue said, and several players around him nodded.

"He forces everyone to play harder though," Tamura said with a slight sigh. "It could be kind of exhausting trying to keep up with him."

"Wouldn't that be the thrill of it all?" Takinoue asked, and excitement danced in his voice. "You get to see how hard you can actually fight, because he will make you fight."

Even though Keishin remained quiet, he agreed with Takinoue. Y/N forced people to fight on his level, because when everyone was with him; Karasuno was unstoppable. He had heard his grandfather say how it was almost like a miracle to get Y/N, because no one else flew like he did.

"Don't give up now!" Y/N scream at a player that Keishin couldn't distinguish. There were five other people besides Y/N on the court, so it was hard to figure out who was being scolded. "When we win, then you can give up, okay?"

For a second year, Y/N acted more like the captain than the actual captain did. When Y/N looked over at the sidelines, e/c eyes caught Keishin's brown ones, and Keishin felt a chill run down his spine. That look in Y/N's eyes could nearly be considered murderous.

Sometimes everyone wondered if Y/N would murder someone to win, and Coach Ukai once said it showed that at least someone was dedicated. Even if people knew that Y/N could possibly snap one day, they still wanted to play next to him just to feel the adrenaline he gave.


It was a Friday in May when Y/N sought out Keishin during lunch. His hands were on his knees as he panted, and he was acting like he had just ran a marathon. When he looked up at Keishin, Keishin was certain he would never forget the look in Y/N's eyes; desperate and hungry. Keishin didn't know what Y/N was desperate and hungry for, and it would take time for him to fully understand.

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