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Your POV

“Scream and I'll slit your throat.” The tall man said.

“Please, let the girl go.” I begged. If I get held captive then at least she should roam free and go back to her mother. Who cares what these people do to me.

“I don't want the girl. I only want you.” and to the girl he said, “Get out of here, runt.”

The girl scrambled to her feet and ran aways.

I felt myself getting tied up and thrown in the back of the same car he kidnapped the girl with.

The man turned to face me. “Your going to pay for what you did with your life”

......What I did? “You kidnapped an innocent little girl, started several car accidents injuring many, and now kidnapped me, but I'm the one who has the die?”

“You  talk too much.” he pulled a rubber tape out from a bag and used it to cover my mouth with it. So much for that.

15 minutes later

Wow, I really was asleep for 15 minutes? Time flies when you're being kidnapped.

I was still tied up but this time I wasn't in the car. It seems like I was in some sort of......


That or some leftover prison. It even had a crappy bed. Just hoe long do they plan on keeping me here and why was I even in here in the first place? All I know is  that, that Dabi guy said that I was going to pay for what I did with my life. Why did he....

I herd voices. I crawled closer to the door to hear their conversation.

“Who is that girl you kidnapped, Onii-San? She's kinda cute.” I herd a perky voice say.

“That's Hawk's sidekick, Toga”

“So you kidnapped her cuz you were jealous?”

“I'm not jealous of Hawks, Toga.”

“I didn't say his name!!! I got you.”

“Danm you Toga. When are you going to stop saying that I like Hawks?”

“When you stop kidnapping and Killing every girl he's close with. But we both know that's never gonna happen. Heh heh.”

Well my life just went from GTA 5 to yandere simulator real quick.

I herd their voice disappear and I herd the door to my cell open.

A short girl with curly black hair with jeans and a black top came over to me and started to untie me.

“Get out of here.” she said as she helped me up.

“But wait, what about you?”

“I'm with them so I'll be fine. But you need to get out of here.”

“On it.”


I've been running for a long time now, and I felt myself bump into a familiar figure.

“Wow, slow down. What are you running from? Oh hey Y/N!”

Well his attitude completely changed from earlier. My guessing the lady got her daughter back.

“Hi.” I said awkwardly. Was he still mad at me for what happened earlier or.....

He patted my back. “We should really be getting back home. We're in the middle of nowhere after all.”

I guess not.

“I could fly us over there but I'm too exhausted to do that. I could order a limo or a helicopter but there's no service out here.......”

Damn this rich man, I thought. Then I saw a car heading towards us.

I waved. “Hey over here!”

“Your friend, Y/N?” he asked.

“I don't know yet.”

The car pulled over to us and I saw the same short girl who rescued me from the dungeon.”

“Hey your that same girl who save me.....”

“Ra Hatake.” she said. “Get in.”

Surprise! Your getting rescued by author- chan 😇

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