Oh No

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Your POV

I ran out of our dorms with toast in my mouth because I was so hungry and I didn't have time to eat anything. I spent the time that I had to put my costume on while I put a slice of bread in the toaster (That Bakugou almost destroyed because it wasn't working properly. Turns out he just forgot to plug it in)

I herd voices all around me.


“Isn't that Hawk's sidekick?”

“Wow she's so pretty. I don't even stand a chance.”

“She's probably a closet whore. No wonder why she's so close to him.”

I caught up to Hawks who looked pretty annoyed to see me. Not that I blamed him.

“Where were you?”

“I was asleep.” my voice wasn't even a whisper.

“I should get a new sidekick, since you wanna nap in emergencies.”

“It's just that I had a lot of homework, and I stayed up late to finish it that's why I didn't get enough sleep-”

“I don't have time for that. Anyway a this lady's little girl got kidnapped by the League of Villains not too long ago. Find her.” and to the lady he said, “Don't worry ma'am. We'll find her soon. I promise.” and patted her head.

Well today fucking sucked. As soon as we get from this mission Hawks is gonna yell at me and possibly fire me. The offer to work at KFC was always on the table. Maybe I won't get yelled at for taking a nap there.

“I'll find your daughter, ma'am.” I said as I got in my car which Karishma borrowed because him and the boys were having a boys night out while. (For some reason in was parked in a strip club parking lot.)

I didn't take me long to find the car which her girl was being held hostage. The driver had Wilde black hair and.....

Burned skin?

Am I seeing this right?

I have to go after them. He was going faster and faster, even when a red light approached he kept driving anyway and I had no choice but to do the same. I avoided several car accidents which is more than I can saw for the kidnapper who managed to crash 4 cars into each other. As much as I wanted to take them to the hospital I had to rescue the girl, who looked like she was about 12.

The guy speed up and I did too when I saw a cloud of black smoke coming in front blinding me from the streets causing me to crash into something.

I opened the door of my car, “Are you okay?” I yelled.

I felt a knife to my neck and someone tall holding me.

He said, “Scream, and I'll slut your throat.”

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