Airport Pt. 2- Grayson Dolan

Start from the beginning

-after breakfast-

It was snowing so I put on warmer clothes and my shoes and go outside with the kids and the twins. We build a snowman and Ethan helps Dylan put the carrot on the snowman's face. Dylan and Lily giggle and I feel a small pain on the back of my head.

Grayson threw a snowball at me, I glare at him and form a snowball and throw it at him.

Grayson: Snowball fight!

The kids scream and we throw snowballs at each other until we were frozen.

-45 minutes later-

We were basically dead ass frozen, we go back in and take a hot shower. I let the twins take a shower in my bathroom and they borrowed clothes from my older bro. We go downstairs and play a few games and then the twins left.

-skip to Christmas day-

It was Christmas, we all went downstairs and greeted my whole family "Merry Christmas". I hug everyone and open gifts and eat cookies.

Lily-a Barbie Dream house!
Dylan- a Lego pirate ship!
Lily&Dylan: Thanks mommy! Thanks daddy!

-skip gift opening-

I go upstairs and take a shower and change...

I curl my hair and do my makeup, I put a little bit of perfume then go downstairs

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I curl my hair and do my makeup, I put a little bit of perfume then go downstairs.

Lily- Aunt Y/n you look so beautiful
Y/n- Awww thank princess

I pisck her up and hug her, there was a knock on the door. I open it it's the Dolans, I smile and let them in.

Lisa- Thank you for having us
Y/n- Of course!
Grayson- Hey Y/n... Merry Christmas
Y/n- Merry Christmas to you too Gray

They all come in and went to the living room, I sit on one of the couches and place Lily on my lap.

Y/m/n- Merry Christmas! I'm y/m/n
Lisa- Thank you for having us...I'm Lisa

My mom smiles and we all just talk and watch movies. My dad brings a tray of hot chocolate and cookies, I grab a mug of hot chocolate and a cookie. The twins do the same thing and we all go upstairs (Cameron, Alissa, me and the twins). I put on a movie and we talk.

Ethan- Dude don't make fun ofy face you have a fucking tampon dangling from your ear

We all laugh except of Grayson, he glares at him and flips him off.

Grayson-Bicycle sit
Ethan- Bro fuck you

They playfully hit each other and Cameron shakes her head.

Cameron- This is why I'm the better Dolan
Alissa- I have to agree
Y/n- Mhm

Ethan pushes Grayson off him and lightly slaps him and smiles. We laugh and sits back down, it was getting boring sooo...

Y/n- Never have I ever?
Cameron- Sure
Alissa- Yaaz
Grayson- Why not
Ethan- eeeh... Ummm... Fuck it I'm in

I smile

Y/n- Never have I ever got caught doing something I shouldn't be doing? And what?
Ethan- No
Cameron- Nope
Alissa- Yes-
Y/n- Oooh I know!
Cameron- What? What did she do?
Alissa- I was doing IT with my ex boyfriend and we thought we were alone turns out my parents came early so yeh I'm guessing you know what happened later...

We all started laughing and she just rolls her eyes.

Y/n- Gray?
Grayson- Nope
Ethan- Don't fucking lie
Grayson- What?
Ethan- I saw you watching porn and masturbating
Grayson- I-
Cameron- Ok didn't have to know that

I laugh and Grayson and Alissa put a finger down.

-20 minutes later-

We finished playing and we were on our phones then my mom walked in.

Y/m/n- Dinner guys
Alissa- K coming

She smiles and leaves, we get up and head downstairs.

-skip dinner- (cause I'm lazy hehe)

After dinner I went upstairs to the balcony to breathe fresh air and I heard footsteps. I turn around and see Grayson, I smile and he smiles back. He stands next to me and we just look at the view. We accidentally touch hands and I smile and pull my hand away.

Grayson- It's getting cold maybe we should go back in?
Y/n- Of course

I smile and we both head back in but he stops me and grabs my wrist, I look at him confused and he points up. I look up and there was a mistletoe, i look at him and glare and chuckle.

Y/n- You planned this didn't you?
Grayson- What?! No

He says sarcastically

Y/n- Right...
Grayson- Anyways you know what that means babygirl
Y/n- Unfortunately yes
Grayson- Cmon give Graybear a kiss
Y/n- Ew that's weird that you just called yourself "Graybear"

He playfully rolls his eyes and grabs me by the waist and slowly pulls me closer to him, our faces inches apart and then...we kissed. I expected it would be just peck but it slowly turned into a heated make out session.

I wrap my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. After a little while we stopped and looked at each other and smiled.

Y/n- Wow I didn't expect that
Grayson- Me're good
Y/n- You too

We both chuckled, he leaned in and kissed me again. I smile and I felt his smile.

Cameron- Wow

We both stop kissing and look at Cameron and she looked shocked.

Cameron- Ok so I didn't see anything...goodbye children


How do you feel now that Ethan has girlfriend?

Me: I'm upset tbh but happy for him <3

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