Chapter 13 Kyogai; Inosuke

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The demon hits his tsuzumi again to flip the room. Kumiko held onto Teruko and created a platform to levitate on. "I'll use the fifth form to stun the demon and you two can land the finishing blow."

"Underst- Hey!" Tanjiro was interrupted by the masked demon slayer using him as a springboard to charge the demon. "That demon has special powers! Don't be so reckless!"

The demon slayer laughed and continued charging the demon who hits the tsuzumi twice to flip the room back to normal. He just laughs amusingly and continued trying to charge the demon. At one point he uses Teruko as another springboard.

"Hey! Don't do that!" Kumiko pushes him off of Teruko. The demon flips the room again then hits the tsuzumi on his stomach which unleashes a claw attack that they managed to dodge. A tsuzumi echoes throughout the house swapping the room again. Kumiko was in a hallway away from the others.

"AHHHH!" Zenitsu was heard in a room further down the hallway. Kumiko ran towards the screams that were followed by silence and the pleads of Teruko's brother. Kumiko slid the shoji open to find a quadrupedal demon with a long tongue cornering Zenitsu and Teruko's brother. Zenitsu was sleeping without a care in the world. Kumiko unsheathed her sword as the demon swung its tongue at the two but in the blink of an eye it was cut off by something or someone else.

Zenitsu-still asleep-took a confident sprint-like stance with a hand preparing to unsheathe his sword.

He's giving off a different aura. Could this mean?

"Thunder Breathing First Form Thunderclap and Flash." Zenitsu charges the demon at lightning speed and beheads the demon as he passed. He stopped in the same battle stance with his sword back in its scabbard. It didn't even look like he had drawn it to begin with.

Zenitsu snapped back into consciousness and was back to his old cowardice habits when he saw the decapitated demon. "IT'S DEAD! WHAT THE HELL! I CAN'T TAKE THIS! WHAT IS THIS!" He looked to a dumbfounded Kumiko and Shoichi. "KUMIKO-CHAN!" He embraced Kumiko tightly. "YOU SAVED ME! I KNEW YOU WERE STRONG!"

"You saved yourself and Shoichi." Kumiko remarked.


This again? "Take Shoichi outside. I need to go find Tanjiro." Kumiko left before Zenitsu could protest. It wasn't long before she found Tanjiro's aura. He was facing the Tsuzumi demon though Teruko was not detected. It didn't concern her as she soon detected the girl's aura in a distant room with another male aura-possibly her brother. Concern came when she drew near the room where Tanjiro was. His injuries were clearly getting to him. His aura shone of near defeat.

Kumiko torn through the shoji and blocked an incoming claw attack with her sixth form. "Steady on Tanjiro. You're a water breather. Water is the most adaptable element so be like the water, Tanjiro."

Tanjiro's eyes gleamed. That's right! There are ten water breathing forms! So, I can battle any kind of opponent! If you're hurt, then make a move to compensate for it. I can take on any form. Look straight ahead! Rouse yourself! Give it all you've got! He gripped his sword. "We've done a good job until now and there's no way we can stop now!"

"Infuriating!" The demon struck his tsuzumi numerous times. Kumiko created platforms for her and Tanjiro to stand on unaffected. The demon struck the stomach tsuzumi to unleash another claw attack. Kumiko and Tanjiro were forced to hop off the aura platform onto the rotating room.

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