Chapter 5 Letter

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Tamayo leaned forward in anticipation pressing for Kumiko to continue speaking. "All aura breathers can access people's memories via their aura record. Kaiya accessed yours to return your memories. Memories cannot be erased from the aura record by non-aura users."  

"I see. Thank you, Kumiko."

"There's something else. You mentioned that Kibutsuji may have seen the Minori family as a threat to be eliminated. I think I may have found the reason. Over the last four generations a select few swordsmen have gained the ability to manipulate demons' memories. We can tame them by making them remember their human memories. Once more we can also forge memories to make it seem like Kibutsuji caused their misery so..."

Tamayo's eyes widen in understanding. "You can turn them against Kibutsuji."

"Precisely. Kaiya told me I had the ability since I accessed someone's aura record before the family's." Her mind flashed to Tamayo's human memories. 

"We discuss more about this later. You should rest. You have a long journey ahead."

"Right. Goodnight Tamayo-sama." Kumiko stood up but Tamayo stopped her. 

"Come back alive." 

"I will." Kumiko responded quickly not daring to tell Tamayo that her brother-the strongest of the two-died during Final Selection.  She got up at the crack of dawn gathered some first aid supplies and her sword.

"The more humans a demon devours the stronger they will be so watch yourself." Yushiro said. Kumiko nodded in acknowledgement. "Come back alive!" He demanded loudly.

"I will Yushi. Don't miss me too much."

He crossed his arms, "Don't get the wrong idea! I just don't want Tamayo-sama to be upset. I could care less if you die." He whispered the last part. Tamayo hugged Kumiko tightly burying her face in her shoulder. 

"See you in a week." Kumiko assured her and took her leave. 

Yushiro waited for the door to close then said, "I guess Kumiko is a beauty." Still not as beautiful as you Tamayo-sama. His eyes sparkled beaming at the demoness. 

"Yushiro, can you prepare for opening? I have something else to attend to." Yushiro was gone before she could finish her request preparing medicines and equipment they may need for the day. Tamayo took to her office to write a letter. 

"Greetings Oyakata-sama. Forgive the intrusion but there is a girl heading to the Final Selection. Kumiko Minori. She has been under my care for the past three years and has just made it known to me that the breathing style of her family comes with the ability to turn demons against Kibutsuji via their memories. So, I'd like to ask that you have her work under me as a demon slayer. She will be able to collect the blood samples necessary to come up with the cure as well as improve her breathing style to turn demons to our side. It is up to you. Whichever decision you make, I will accept. My regards, Tamayo."

As Tamayo finished the letter she called her calico cat, Chachamaru. "To Oyakata-sama please." She placed the letter in the parcel strapped to Chachamaru. It meowed in response and left. 


Taisho Secret: Kumiko likes herping (catch and release reptiles). Tamayo requests for her to extract venom from the venomous snakes quite often. 

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