Chapter 8 Demon of the Soil

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Kumiko swiftly changed in her demon slayer uniform-a dark blue gakuran jacket with matching hakama pants strapped by a white belt and her sword strapped to her right-then returned to the others. 

Kaiya spoke first. "Kumiko, the Breath of Aura has improved over the years. As the last of the Minori family, I ask that you use the breath style to its fullest while also finding new ways to improve it. Do that and we might put an end to Kibutsuji in this era." 

"I will do my best Kaiya-sensei."

"I know you will. Here," Kaiya handed her a wrapped item. "It was the guard for my sword. You deserve it."

"Thank you." Kumiko unwrapped the cloth revealing a crimson colored Muladhara and...a note? Kumiko assumed it was something Kaiya didn't want mentioned in front of Tamayo and Yushiro, so she slipped it into her sleeve.

"This is a former Kizuki you will be fighting. It should have a number crossed on its eye." Tamayo informed earning a nod. Both her and Yushiro presented a gift to Kumiko.  

"Tamayo-sama. Yushiro. You shouldn't have." Kumiko blurted seeing the haori and hairpin she was eyeing at the store.

Tamayo smiled softly. "You deserve it."

"Thank you." Kumiko put on the silky haori while Tamayo wrapped her hair into a bun with the hairpins holding it. Kumiko's crow began cawing impatiently. "I better go. Thank you all."

The three remained silent until Kumiko walked outside. Kaiya sighed. "You have become a family to her. I'd dare say she sees you as her mother."

"Huh? No, she can't. I mean we are demons." Tamayo grimaced. 

"Since when does that matter. Your bond affected her blade's color." A sigh. "I'm anxious to see how this mission goes." Seriousness pierced through her eyes. "That demon is not just a Kizuki."


The crow was wrong saying the wisterias were dying. They were already died when Kumiko arrived. Traces of tarry aura laid along the roots.

As I thought. This is the work of a blood demon art. For a demon to be able to bypass wisterias is a major problem. A sense of déjà vu hit her. She couldn't figure out where it came from. She ignored it to go meet with the village chief. According him, the wisterias made a sudden change last night. Luckily, the sun rose before demons could attack.

"With the recent attacks, we knew come sunset we'd be doomed." He concluded.

"I just started today. Could you explain these recent attacks?"

"Truth be told this has been happening for three years. Wisteria houses have been infiltrated by a demon. The frequency has increased over the past month. It is very crucial for these wisteria houses to remain safe. They serve as shelters for weary demon slayers. This village happens to be centered around one as you may have known. I assumed the corps would send in a Hashira but I trust their decision in sending you."

"I promise to do my best to fulfill your expectations." 

After the meeting, Kumiko mediated on the roof of the wisteria house to calm herself. The fear filled was suffocating. The only thing that broke it were the innocent auras of the children who whined when their parents ordered them to return home. There was a lot of commotion as people rushed to get home before evening.

Oh! I haven't read Kaiya's note. Kumiko unfolded the note and read it.

"Look after Tamayo."  

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