"I will do that," I nod.

 "Keep us posted," Steve nods once.

 "Will do," Director Coulson responds before the screen goes black.

 "All that work for nothing," Natasha scoffs, "That weapon was the first we could actually get our hands on and it's destroyed..."

 "They never told me what the weapon was," I look over at her.

 "It was an Uru scepter," She answers.

 "Seriously?" I hold back a gasp.

 "Yes, since such few Titans had these weapons and most of them were destroyed in the battle, S.H.I.E.L.D. hasn't found any yet. Once we learned Mr. Massih had a lead on one, we jumped to take it."

 "Wow..." Steve mutters as we walk to the elevator, "I should go tell Bucky. He's probably worried that something awful has occurred."

 "Something awful has occurred!" Clint exclaims.

 "Yes, but something more along the lines of New York or Berlin," He clarifies.     

 Clint hums in response as we step onto the elevator. We take the quick ride down back to the main floor. "Don't we have a Titan scepter here?" Clint muses as we step out of the box.

 "Yeah, Doctor Banner wanted it to study," I answer. "Why?"

 "I was just thinking about if your theory is to be right. If whoever is targeting Titan devices, then we could be bombed," Clint states somberly.   

 "That's gives me an uneasy feeling. Let's just hope that's not the case," Steve sighs.

 We find Bucky sitting on the couch with Bo in his lap. He strokes the cat mindlessly as he plays a game on a tablet. Alex lounges on the adjacent sofa while dangling a toy in front of wide-eyed Mojo. They turn to focus their attention on us. Steve takes the liberty on filling Bucky and Alex in of the details of the briefing. Bucky still is not an official Avenger, so Director Coulson isn't allowed to include him in official meetings; same goes for Alex. Alex is kind of a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent considering he was hired by Tony to do a job for the Avengers, but he wasn't hired by S.H.I.E.L.D. They listen intently. After Steve finishes, Bucky informs us that this is not something that HYDRA would have their hand in. They ask if me if maybe I heard anything from the Black Order when I was aboard with Black Dwarf; I could not give them any information.

 After explaining the predicament to Bucky and Alex, the crew sits down on the couches. I decide it is best for me to go up to Tony's office to recalibrate the satellite's radars. Alex offers to join me. I allow him to follow only that he cannot look at the computer screen while I type in the codes. It is not a program that Tony wants everyone to know how to access when unnecessary.

 The two of us stride back over to the elevator. My finger is reaching for the up button when Lucis interjects. "Ma'am, there is an inbound undisclosed projectile."

 "What?" I spin around. Everyone is looking at me with wide eyes.

 "One hundred meters and closing."

 "Send me a suit!" I shout as I run to the back door.

 I throw open the glass door. I am outside by the time Arche catches up to me. I run into my suit; it closes over my body in a second. I propel myself up as fast as I can. I search the late twilight for the bomb. I panic as I know I only have a few minutes at most. I see the bomb falling towards the tower leaving a purple streak in the dark evening sky. I use my repulsors to shoot myself up to intercept it. Relief passes through me as I have the silver canister in my hands only to be replaced with a new sense of dread.

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