welcome to california

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(dirks pov)

As i pull up our new place i look at our bland front yard and our bland white house.i want to happy about moving but we had to.i pull the uhaul in and park looking over at my little bro.he looked out the window his eyes hidden by his shades.i opened my mouth to say something but i didnt know what to say so i closed it and hopped out of the car.it was hot but not as hot as texas.i walk around to the back of the truck and open the heavy door looking at all the boxes from our old apartment.i bang on the truck trying to signal for dave to come help then walk to the front door unlocking it and looking inside the basically empty room.i leave the door open and o back to the truck to start bringing in my boxes.

(time skip)

We finally got to sit down on our newly put together couch.we still had to unpack most of our stuff but we got our beds set up and the couch.i was exhausted.i look over at dave and give him a nod.he nodded back and stood up ."imma head to bed" he said then walked to his room.i simply nodded in response.after a few minutes of scrolling on my phone i decided to head to bed as well

new in town (dirk/jake john/dave)Where stories live. Discover now