first day gitters?

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(little strider's P.O.V)

I wake up to the smell of pancakes and bacon.i slowly sit up and feel my back pop.i stretch my arm out to my nightstand and pick up my shades.'at least somethings the same' i thought to myself before putting them on and looking around my room still filled with boxes. I stand up and search around them for my broken disk long sleeve and a pair of pants.i find my shirt and a black ripped pair and throw them on before going downstairs to see what the smell was about.i walk down and see dirk cooking?'he never cooks ' i think then speak up "hey bro whats the special occasion?" i ask before sitting down "its your first day to school and i'm stuck home unpacking and looking for a job."he said setting a plate down in front of me a apple juice box already in my spot.i ate half of it and looked at the clock i went to the bathroom and did my hair.i grabbed bros old spice since i didn't feel like going threw more boxes and head out waving goodbye to dirk.i sighed and walked to the bus stop no one was there so i was just hoping i didn't miss the bus already.a few minutes later it pulled up and i got on and sat in the very back everyone was looking at me with strange looks.i even got some smirks from girls.i sat down at my seat put on my headphones and stared out the window.

(starting a new story hope you guys like it so far and drop some votes so i feel motivated to do this one)-MF

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 25, 2020 ⏰

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new in town (dirk/jake john/dave)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora