Whole Lotta Problem Children

Start from the beginning

It had been a peacefully Friday afternoon and they were strolling from their parent's house, hand in hand. They were also fully aware of the fact that they were being followed. Like seriously, if you're gonna be invisible, don't wear shoes.

"Deku, I can not fucking believe you!" Katsuki shouted, making sure Hagakure could hear every word.

"What! It's not my fault you wouldn't stop talking about your little boy toy at dinner! I just wanted to eat my spinach!" Izuku yelled back.

Katsuki covered his mouth to hide a laugh, mouthing 'Seriously? Boy toy?', "Oi! You leave ZeZe the fuck out of this! It's not my fault you wouldn't stop taking my shit!".

"No! ZeZe is the reason Mommy super glued our freaking hands together in the first place!" Izuku said, glaring harshly to stop himself from laughing.

"That is not ZeZe's fault! You were just being an asshole and wouldn't keep your grubby hands to yourself!" Katsuki barked.

"You act like I want to be superglued to you! This is so inconvenient! How am I supposed to go to the bathroom like this!?" Izuku shouted.



"Well... I guess I could just hold your-"

With that Hagakure decided it was time to leave.


The next poor victims had been Mineta and Jiro.

Izuku and Katsuki had taken up home in a supply closet to play Mario Kart before class and had decided that that was the moment to wreak havoc.

"Katsuki! Oh my Nezu. Go Faster! Please!" Izuku had pleaded.

"No. I like taking my fucking time," Katsuki growled back.

Jiro went deathly pale the moment she passed the closet. What were they doing? Why did Izuku sound like that? Aren't they brothers?

"Katsuki! Shit! Right there!" Izuku yelled.

Jiro had stopped in front of the door, frozen in fear. Is Katsuki cheating on Zero...with his brother?

"Be quiet or someone will hear us!" Katsuki whisper-yelled.

"Sorry! I'm just getting really close to finishing!" Izuku whined back.

Jiro really should not be listening to this. What the fuck is she supposed to do?!

"WHAT THE FUCK KATSUKi!" Izuku shouted angrily(?).

"What? Has Shouta never hit you like that?" Katsuki taunted.

Has Shouta never WHAT? Is Izuku...doing it with their teacher.

"Of course not! He doesn't give enough of a shit to stop me from finishing. Especially when he usually finishes last!".

"Yo! Jiro, what are you just standing in the hall?" Mineta asked obnoxiously loud as per usual.

Jiro was too stunned to process who exactly she was talking to, "I think... there are people having sex in the closet?"

If Jiro had known she was talking to Mineta she would have been filing a lawsuit the moment Mineta's mouth started watering, "No Way!"

And then he flung himself to the closet, swinging the door open in hopes of seeing boobs, only to be met with Izuku and Katsuki playing Mario Kart?

"What are you two doing?" Jiro asked once her heart rate returned to normal.

Izuku just blinked, smiled, and innocently replied "Brotherly bonding".

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