chapter 3 The longest street

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I stand up and look around. I see nothing, no family, no city, nothing. Just sky and sand as far as I can see. The sky is bright orange as though it is on fire, the sand the same couler. I look a little to my left and notice something else. A road. It's in perfect condition ending right where I was standing with a gleaming bight purple car it's only companion in the sand. The perfectness of the road and car made it seem as though someone had left it there for me to find. I assumed that the TV had lied about how nice the world was and that my family was a little late. I walk over to the road. It made sense that my family would see me more easliy on the road. Also I didn't want to get my best shirt dirty. As soon as I sit down on the road my mind  wanders to what had just happened. What had just happened?  It must of been a technical difficulty but as I solved that question. A dozen more surfaced. Where is the city? Where is my family? and most importantly where was I.

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                               Cassandra's journal entry #3065

Monday August 14th 5:00PM

I assume that it is about 5:00 although it feels like a life time scince I was sitting at the door waiting. I've accepted that my family isn't coming but I know that the road is still the best place because then I only have one direction to go in. I'm in the car because the sun is going down and the heating actully works in the car. It's a bit of a suprise but the inside of the car is in just as good condition as the outside. At least if noone finds me I won't have to walk to the city

Goodbye for now,


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By the next day I have finished my book and eaten most of the granola bars in my bag. I'm exahasted and starving more than ever. I have to drive or I'll starve out here. I've never driven but there isn't anything or anyone out here for me to crash into.

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