
Começar do início

Word Count: 1,500 - 3,000 words

Language: English

WattpadUrban : Every day you walk past a wall that has graffiti of what you are about to do. But today, it says I know what you did last summer.

Who is after you and do they really know what you did?

Word Count: 1,500 - 3,000

Language: English

Additional Prizes: Winning Entry added to our Anthology.

WattpadGaming : You and your friend are excited about the release of the biggest game that has everyone shaking with anticipation. But the day before the event, you get a package and it turns out that someone had sent you the game before it's released to the world. However, when you started playing the game, the screen turned black and words began to appear on the black screen. "I know what you did last summer."

Word Count: 1500-2000

Language: English

PsychologicalNovel : The only person that knows what happened last summer is your best friend. As you struggle to move on from the past and the memories haunt you, your best friend threatens to rat you out to ___________.

Word Count: 5K or less
Genre: Mystery / Suspense / Thriller

Language: English only
Additional Prize: Winning entry will be featured in our "Cognitive Collection" with the other Anthologies.

FoodKart : You're the president of an active school council in your high school. Everybody respected you. Until one day, someone from class has left a folded note on your desk. When you opened it, it was a printed picture of you wearing a ridiculous costume while serving food from last summer's part-time job. It was something you were embarrassed about. At the bottom, the note said, "I know what you did last summer."

Word Count: 1500-2000

Language: English only

cupid : You mistakenly shot someone with your arrow who didn't deserve an ounce of love. The warning signs were there but you ignored it and fled the scene. Ensue the chaos.

Word Count: 1500-2000

Language: English only

SecretTreasures : Every 2,000 years on the last day of summer, the government resets the timeline to make the people forget their problems. Last summer, it didn't happen and the world continues on. This year, you receive an unsettling message on your phone with the words: I know what you did last summer.

Word Count: 5k

Language: English

Genre: Open

Additional Prize: Winning entry will be featured in our Anthology

FreeThePOC : You're at the beach when you find and read a message in a bottle. It says, "I'm sorry, but I have to do this." You look up and find yourself sitting in your favorite diner with your best friend on the same day she went missing last summer. You know that you only have an hour before she leaves the diner and you won't ever see her again. Write about it.

Word Count: 1,000 - 3,500.

Language: English

lgbtq : You're taking a summer road trip in a car with five seats. The other four seats are filled with versions of you at various points in your life - past, present, and future. You all recalled last year's life-changing summer.

Cruise of ContestsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora