1. the job

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" how did you get her to accept? "

" who? Mrs. Rose? " He nodded " you know how I am repeating a year again because i got seriously ill right before my final exams and the principal being a stuck up bitch didn't want to take chances with me? " he scoffs, nodding. " I guess ms.radhai is making up for her!" I swallow the bitter sweet sting of it all. I can't decide which is worse, the illness or repeating my 11th grade. i have practically buried myself with small time voluntary work allowed to a 11th grade student for the past 2 months . i want something more. something more of a corporate experience. something that can actually help me stand out in my college application. for which i have constantly pestered the shit out of Mrs. Rose who is our assistant principle. and finally, she has got me a very good corporate job. Well, more of temporary placement.

" you are so lucky dude! You get to meet the hotshot chairman" have i mentioned the part time job that Mrs. Rose got me was to fill up as chairman's P.A until they find a good replacement?

" come on dude! the chairman is probably 60 years old " i said

" u don't know that, Sweths" this is just Nick being the hopeless romantic that he is. i just gave him a boring look and we headed to canteen. Nick was my ex-classmate. last year was perfect except towards the end when i got ill. my classmates stuck with me through my surgery and if that doesn't get us close, i don't know what will. I dropped Nick at the school gate as he was going home and went back to my dorm.


In dinner, we talked about how our day went. the most interesting one is always lucky's day. he had just recently come out and is going through the awkward phase of homophobic assholes judging him. lucky is a happy-go-lucky person and my first ever gay best friend. In fact , when he came out to us, everybody were happy for me than him because i have always wanted a gay best friend. call me outdated , IDGAF.

and, of course my sweet munchkin sitting right next to me and giving me absolute chills. well, we are not a couple. neil is my secret crush from i don't remember how long. the only person who knows about this my secret crush is din. din was not supposed to know, but he did and surprisingly, we became very close after that.

The hot topic today was betting on whether the chairman is a hot piece of ass or a boring old fart which didn't bother me until i found that the bets were higher for the latter.

" he is probably a 50 yr virgin. no man with a girl can run this empire dude" said lola

" i bet he is a pervert. flirt with him a little and you will end up in his bed, Sweety" said lucky

" omg, boss and the assistant. scandalous, grrrr" said Nick

" if he is young,enjoy it. else, suck it up and do it" said adieh

" it doesn't matter , Sweety. what's more important is -- " said shrey

" heart? seriously shrey? that dude is fucking rich. i say just shag him Sweths" said Nick

" I was gonna say the job , Nick!! " She says giving him the finger.

"OMG!!!! STFU guys. if anybody is doing any guy, it'd be lucky" everyone burst out laughing.


"Hey, wait up"


"Neil! Sup?"

I was doing a lil dance inside my head while he was slow jogging towards me. Looking at his soft chestnut hair dancing around his eyes , I couldn't stop my beaming smile. I love his hair. The way it hangs down his forehead , the way it half-covers his eyes , the way it jumps up and down when he walks down the steps. OMG! Do I like his hair more than him?

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