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School. Or as I called it, Hell. Six hours of sitting at the back of the class, my head down, scribbling notes at the back of my school book, trying to avoid eye contact with the other children. As you’ve probably guessed about me, I don’t have any friends. To be honest, I think I probably scare them off. I’m medium in height, and I have long scraggly brunette hair and green eyes which have permanent black rings underneath them for lack of sleep. I’m pale. Not beautifully pale like my mother, but sickly pale. Like I have some sort of illness.  I look like I should be dead, buried deep in a graveyard. I am a walking corpse.

I used to be very good at school. I used to excel in English and History and I even had a couple of friends. That changed when a certain monster started to lurk in my dreams, filling them to the brim of fright.

Teachers don’t look twice at me. I’m just Cathy Cedarwood, the weird seemingly anaemic girl who is a nobody. And to be honest I like it that way. Letting people into my life would just over complicate things. They wouldn’t understand my fear of sleep and eventually they would leave me.

I sat at the back of my maths class, writing ‘SLEEP’ at the back, over and over. I have this theory. If I write it over and over, the Slenderman will leave me alone. Of course its mad, but then again, I went insane years ago. I inked the letters again, over and over, until I had no room left on the page. I nodded, vaguely satisfied. I then raised my head, my hair fell in front of my face and I looked at the girl in front of me. She was blonde, with brown highlights in her hair. Envy washed through me. This girl seemed healthy, happy and perky, everything I wasn’t. I couldn’t ever be as happy as she is.

The bell rung, signifying the lesson was over. I glanced at the clock. The time read 3:00pm. School was over. I thought about how each day just was a blur, until the night time. That’s when I really came alive, when my heart was really put into action. I exited the classroom, not caring if I bumped into people on my way out. They didn’t pay attention to me anyway. Like I said, I was nobody.

The cold breeze stung my face, frosty fog lingered in the air. Horror washed through me.


Memories from the night before flashed through me. The Slenderman had appeared through fog, waiting for me as usual. Without caring where I was, I ran through the masses of people, screaming until my lungs almost burst. People stopped, in awe of me. Some burst out laughing, whilst others looked at me in concern, as if questioning my insanity. I didn’t care. I sprinted home, which was close to my school. When I got back, I looked sideways, expecting to see the Slenderman behind me. My heart rate accelerated, blood pounding in my head.

My mother answered the door, worry seem to cause in her face

“Cathy-“ She yelled, as I sped through the door, crying and screaming again. As soon as I reached my bedroom, I flung myself on the floor, blaring “HE’S GOING TO FIND ME!” I started  hyperventilating, air rushing in out of my fragile lungs, my voice cracking. My mother opened the door and stood there horror-struck, hair hands clamped over her mouth

“Whats the matter with you Cathy?” She whispered

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