12. "I'm So Hot!"

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The wind blew through your hair as your arms stuck out through the window, feeling the breeze flow between your fingers. You laugh looking over at Joshua who is also laughing. A joke that was shared between the two of you made you laugh stupidly, making Joshua laugh at how cute your laugh was. He laughed while keeping his eyes on the road. With the top down of his cute red convertible, the sun high and bright, shining down on the two of you as your favorite music played, you were loving every minute being spent with Joshua. "Josh, we have to have a sand castle competition." You said. He continues to drive down the road when he checks his rear view mirror. "Oh you're on. I'm a pro at sand castles." He replied. You smiled. "Sure you are." You say with a smirk. Joshua widens his eyes as his mouth drops in surprise "Are you questioning my sand castle building skills?" He asks turning his blinker on to make a turn. I press my lips together. "Not at all!" You reply sarcastically. "Oh it's on. We'll see who's the best." Josh says. You chuckle, sitting back enjoying the rest of the car trip to the beach.

Within a few minutes later, the two of you arrived at the beach. With Josh finding a good parking spot, you two grabbed your things and walked towards the beach, quickly finding a nice spot to place your things down. "It's so beautiful." You say gazing at the waves. The sun was shining, the sand was hot and the waves were wild! Not to mention that iconic beach smell was strong. You loved it, especially since Joshua was there with you. Josh places the two beach chairs and towels next to each other, adding the beach umbrella to finish the set up. You placed your bag and picnic basket on the beach towels to prevent the towels from blowing away. "All set!" Josh states, clapping his hands together as he sits down on a beach chair. "Yay! What shall we do first?" You asked in excitement. "Well what's on the agenda?" He asks. Your eyes lit up with joy. "So much! Sand castles and going swimming. Our picnic, and sea shell finding." You say when Josh mentions "And don't forget our walk here when the sun sets." You smile. "That too!" Josh chuckles. "I say we start with swimming. We got to get used to that ocean." He says looking at the waves. With the sun beating down, you place a hand over your eyes to block the sun. You watched as the waves crashed and it got more intense. "I-I don't know Josh." You say. Joshua stands up. "Come on!" He insists. "I know that water is going to be cold." You say. "Exactly! That's why we swim first! To get used to it!" He says. "Okay, okay fine." You say standing up. "But before we even do anything." You add, when you reach into your bag and grab the sunscreen.

"Safety first." You say. Josh rolls his eyes. "Okay mom." He says jokingly and takes off his shirt. "No do me first." You say. Josh smirks. "I love your thinking but not in front of all these people." He says. You playfully smack Josh on the arm. "That's not what I meant you silly goose." You tell him. "I'm kidding! I'm kidding! I knew what you meant." He says. You take off your shorts and shirt to reveal your swimsuit and turn towards Josh. "Hit me." You say giving him the sunscreen and Josh begins to practically bathe you in sunscreen.

After a few minutes you grew more hotter. You began sweating. With the heat and the sun, the sand was definitely not helping as well. Joshua just finished covering you with sunscreen when he quickly covers himself as well. You began fanning yourself. "I'm so hot!" You claim, picking up your hair into a ponytail. Josh raises his eyebrows. "Indeed you are." He says eyeing you from head to toe. You laugh. "No Josh, I meant that I'm actually so Hot." You say. "I know you are." He says. "Josh, I mean that I'm hot as in my body temperature is rising and I'm sweating." You say. Josh grins. "I know what you meant. I was just teasing with you." He says winking. "Although both terms state facts." He adds. You smile taking in the cute compliment he said.

"Now come on!" He says grabbing your hand, guiding you towards the ocean. You quickly dig your heels in the sand to stop him and you. "Woah woah. I want to go in together. Please don't throw me. I know you and the last time we went to the beach you did that." You say. "Please let's go in together at the same time." You insist. "Fine." He says beginning to run again but you stop. "I mean it Josh." You say seriously. He doesn't stop but keeps going. No matter how much you'd dig your heels to stop he'd keep dragging you. He began to laugh and you saw it coming. "No! No! Josh!" You say. Josh laughs harder when his hands wrap around you and he pics you up. "Joshua Bassett!" You squeal as you hold on to him. "I'f I'm going in, you're coming in with me!" You add with a laugh as you grab on to him tighter, pulling him as he throws you in, making the two of you fall into the ocean.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2020 ⏰

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